Titanic 1997 mistakes

This may have been posted before, but does anyone know how many mistakes there actually are in the 97 movie? I don't necessarily mean historical mistakes, but technical ones. For example, apparently one of the passengers is seen getting onto a lifeboat with a digital watch on!
Look at:

I suppose with a film like Titanic, with such a large cast and so many details as well as being a film that people view over and over again, people will notice these things more!
One could discuss cinimatic mistakes forever I suppose. One I figured out fairly early on was the placement of the Master-At-Arms shack on the portside (G-Deck by the looks of it all) and with a porthole. In fact, it was located on E-Deck just to the right of centerline. Chalk this one up to dramatic license as it builds up more tension when one sees the water creeping up over the glass as the ship sinks.

I try not to get too caught up in them. I just pop it into my VCR and enjoy. As you pointed out, this was a large production...literally with a cast of hundreds if you count all the extras. It's not really possible to film scenes in the order in which they will appear in the film, and bloopers make it inevitable that there will be numerous retakes. Mistakes of just about every patch from filming to editing are unavoidable, though to Cameron's credit, they certainly gave it one helluva try.

On technical/historical errors, again most of this was unavoidable, if for no other reason then the state of research which wasn't quite as far ahead as it is now. One can't use information which was not then known or understood. All things considered, it was an outstanding effort and in many respects, Cameron did better then just about anybody in bringing the ship back to life.

Michael H. Standart
Oh, I agree it's an excellent effort. Every film has mistakes! If we were to be pedantic we could probably find hundreds more. I always find it amazing what the director and editors miss in films though!
I think one of the most glaring mistakes in the film is when Rose is threatening to jump of the rear of the ship.Just check her feet throughout.As she climbs over, red shoes are visilble but keep watching and the next moment she is in black stockins.Then back to red shoes, then when she is pulled back over, black stockinss.

There ar supposedly now nearly 160 mistakes all in all.

The one mistake I caught the first time watching the movie was the porthole where Jack was being kept guard constantly changed positions. In one scene the camera is outside, goes underwater then pans to Jack where that same porthole had a visible water edge that was not supposed to be there.
One of the errors that really stuck out in my mind was that Jack was looking for his cabin on G-Deck, I think it was G-60. And when he did find it there was a porthole. I was under the impression that James Cameron had authentic and accurate blue prints for his film so that seems to be an interesting error. Perhaps third class today receives as little attention now as they did back then. Also, I believe that the suite occupied by Cal and Rose was actually occupied by Bruce Ismay (B-52, 54, 56) and that there is a photograph existing of the parlor (Titanic: An Illustrated History or Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy). The other was occupied by the Cardeza family. I can understand his reasoning in wanting to use one of the suites for his characters as it shows the ultimate constrast between first and third class and also the ultimate of luxury aboard the Titanic. But I believe it was in his books (James Cameron's Titanic) that he actually stated that the suite was empty. I'm going from memory here so correct me if I'm wrong on that one. I don't like pointing out errors in films that had the attention to detail as this film but I also have this problem with people assuming that the mistakes in the movie were the way it really was. It was a very good film with excellent attention to historical accuracy. It would have been nice to see the real Titanic figures play a larger role, in my opinion, you could make a movie on some of their interesting stories without the need for fictional ones. But now I'm rambling on again.

All the best

The funniest mistake i caught is in the scene in which Jack and Rose have sex in the Reault, if you look just above the headlight, you can see a reflection of the camera crew!
> Posted by Jack Killington on Sunday, 12 May, 2002 - 7:09 pm: > > The funniest mistake i caught is in the scene in which Jack and Rose > have sex in the Reault, if you look just above the headlight, you can > see a reflection of the camera crew! > -------------------- -------------------- -------------- Hi Jack - Not to mention the fact that she appears to be wrapped in a towel, where did she get that???????????????? ?........one of the camera crew?

Regards, Bill

Yes, she is wrapped in a towel after the sex scene.

I have also heard a rumor (but never could prove it) that when Molly Brown exclaims to Jack (who is looking at himself in her mirror) that he shines up like a new penny, you can see one of the camera crew standing behind him.


I may be wrong on this, but isn't it Quartermaster Hitchens who tells Molly Brown to "shut that hole in her face" and she sits there and does nothing! It may have been mentioned before, but as I remember, Molly was the aggresor and Hitchens shrank back.

Just wondering!, Don
Correct; in the real world, Margeret Brown was the winner in that hissing contest. In fact, she was the one who threatened to pitch Hitchens overboard.

Michael H. Standart
Also, the "shut that hole in your face" remark so often attributed to Hitchens was, in fact, directed at Thomas Jones by a disgruntled fellow crewmember in boat #8, frustrated at receiving constant instructions. This story was related by Mrs. Ella White, who wished to draw attention to the total laziness and incompetence of the crewmen in her boat.

It appears a fair amount of historically recounted dialogue or comments appeared in Cameron's film, but they are often attributed to the wrong people. Lightoller's "shoot you all like dogs" remark is another example which springs to mind.

Some reputed mistakes are not actually there. One mentioned that Rose had a tattoo on her arm in the jump scene. Not so! LOL!

Anyway...watch the King of the World scene carefully. You'll see Jack's arm behind the rope, then in front and then behind. ;)

During the sinking you can see the rubber captstans bending when people hit them.
Okay, I admit I was one of those who said that that was a tattoo on Rose's arm, but she's very naked in Iris and I saw no tattoo there, so I admit defeat.
-kate "the loser" bortner.
Well, I think one of my favorite mistakes is when the ship breaks into two pieces. If you can see, a man hits a black iron tank that is on the deck and it seems soft like a pillow! If you pay attention, you'll see this mistake is repeated when the stern is totally vertical.