Titanic and Computer Animation

In the past I have recreated plenty of rooms digitally. Now I am attempting to digitally recreate some of the rooms on the Titanic. What would be the best software to use to recreate some of the rooms.

Have A Nice Day

Cliff Johnson
It changes with the objective of your work:
if you want to only re-create some of the rooms, you can use AutoCad, it is an architectural program so it is very good for that only when you have mesurements, and his renders are not so beautiful ...
There is also 3d studio max, actually in version 7.0, which is one of the best 3d modelling program but it is also more complicated to use.

what are your competence in modeling ?

have a nice day too
I have both AutoCad and 3D Studio Max. They are great in their own ways. I was going to create the B Deck and C Deck suites. I thought that those and some 3rd Class areas may be interesting.