Titanic Clone Movies

Hello Everyone,

I thought it would be different to discuss movies that were made along the same lines as Titanic movies:

Has anyone ever seen the 1960 movie: "The Last Voyage" Starring Robert Stack and Dorothy Malone?

It is about a ship called "Claridon" which suffers a fire in The Engine Room and that leads to a chain of events which eventually sends it to the bottom.

A bit of trivia:
The ship used in this movie was none other than The Ille De France, which as most of you stout-hearted shipwreck conesseurs (sp) know is the rescue ship of the ill-fated Andrea Doria

When I get a bit of feedback on this, I will get into more details.

Hi Bill, I think of seen bits and peices of it though never the whole thing. I recall that a lot of people who had fond memories of the Ile De France were mortified to see the ship abused in this way even though she was already on her way to the ship breakers at the time.

Michael H. Standart
I LOVE THE LAST VOYAGE!!!!!! It is one of my top ten favorite ship movies. The acting is corny and the effects aren't worth an award, but it was set on one of the greatest liners in history. The Ile de France was MUCH more than just the "rescue ship of the ill-fated Andrea Doria." She competed with the Aquitania in the 20's for the title of most popular ship in the world. She was also the first major ship ever to use art deco rather than period decor.

Yes, the French and her patrons were mortified by what happened to the Ile during filming, and the CGT went to great efforts to ensure the Liberte didn't meet a similar fate.

I kind of agree with them too (it was sort of sacrilegious), but I must play devil's advocate since it was (and is) the only movie made on a liner other than the Queen Mary.

David- run on over to the mega-thread (actually it ought to be called a tapestry) on Funnel Flicks and read ALL about the MANY films made aboard many ships. Am always ready to resurrect that thread! Sorry- I wept for the poor old Ile de France- and Dorothy Malone and those creepy eyelashes should have been tossed overboard after the first scene- we won't even DISCUSS that LOATHESOME child!
True, but thank God for Edmund O'Brien and Woody Strode, getting the welding torch and getting dear Dorothy freed just in the nick of time!

Wonderful movie,

Best regards,
Hi Bill, I think of seen bits and peices of it though never the whole thing. I recall that a lot of people who had fond memories of the Ile De France were mortified to see the ship abused in this way even though she was already on her way to the ship breakers at the time.

Hi Mike, I do believe this is one of the reasons why the line agreed to let him sink it for the movie...You should take it in it's entirety Mike, it's probably much better than 'Brittanic'

I LOVE THE LAST VOYAGE!!!!!! It is one of my top ten favorite ship movies. The acting is corny and the effects aren't worth an award, but it was set on one of the greatest liners in history.

Hi Dave, my mom had this habit of introducing me to all of these ship disasters, first The Titanic and then "Hey Billy, if you are interested in ship disasters, there is this movie called "The Last Voyage"....Umm Edmund O'Brien's part was pretty good: "Yeah my dad shipped out with a skipper like that, never worried about speed, made with the jokes, never wanted to inconveniance the passengers until it was too late".....

"What ship was that?"

"The Titanic!"

...However, Jill?, I wanted to wring her neck, she was as irritating as running your fingernails along a blackboard! (if you can picture that!), PLUS..............P L U S........Stack is brown hair, Malone is a blonde, where do they get off casting a redhead for the daughter?????...what gene pool did they find her in?
...never heard of such a thing...bad case of miscasting?

David- run on over to the mega-thread (actually it ought to be called a tapestry) on Funnel Flicks and read ALL about the MANY films made aboard many ships. Am always ready to resurrect that thread! Sorry- I wept for the poor old Ile de France- and Dorothy Malone and those creepy eyelashes should have been tossed overboard after the first scene- we won't even DISCUSS that LOATHESOME child!

Actually Shell, shame on me for starting this thread up, I should've posted this on "Funnel flicks"....Oh well!..Sorry but the Marihugh kid is annoying "Mommy my dime rolled under the bed and I can't find it!"...Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

True, but thank God for Edmund O'Brien and Woody Strode, getting the welding torch and getting dear Dorothy freed just in the nick of time!

Hi Pat, sorta held my breath the first time I saw it!.....Did you know that the very last scene that they showed you the ship going under is in another ship movie called "Ghost Ship" with George Kennedy.....

How about this clone, "Souls Protest," a North Korean Titanic movie, about a sinking in which many Koreans were lost on Aug. 24, 1945, as described in the Associated Press:

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea's version of the movie "Titanic" will hit South Korean theaters soon.
Narai Film Company, a Seoul-based film trader, is awaiting permission to screen the movie about a 4,730-ton Japanese navy vessel, Ukishima, that sank with thousands of Koreans aboard off Japan's west coast on Aug. 24, 1945.

South Korea's film rating committee is expected to approve the movie soon, said Choi Jae-keun, an official of the Culture and Tourism Ministry.

Like Hollywood's "Titanic," the North Korean movie "Souls Protest" is based on a true story about a shipwreck. It adds the drama of a romance ending with the death of one of the lovers.

Hundreds and possibly several thousand Koreans on board the Ukishima died when it sank on its way to Korea after World War II. The cause of the tragedy has never been confirmed.

The North Korean movie claims the Japanese military bombed the ship to kill witnesses of its World War II atrocities, including the sexual enslavement of Koreans.

Narai has planned a premiere of the film in Seoul on Friday, the 56th anniversary of the sinking.
This is perhaps a little vague, but it seems Star Trek may be cloning Morgan Robertsons "Futility" and hence the Titanic story.
In Star Trek X, which will be released early next year, Will Riker takes command of the USS Titan!!
Let's hope he doesn't take the reins in April and find his first mission involves dodging sub space anomalies!
Methinks Starfleet is asking for it with that name. Will they ever learn!?


Star Trek X.
Newly promoted Captain Riker takes command of the USS Titan and warps off to explore all those strange new worlds...
Star Trek XI.
USS Titan hits a meteor. Crew abandons ship in lifeboats and manage to limp to a hostile alien world. The meteor turns out to be part of a Cardassian plot and now Picard's angry and battling emotions about his torture in Season 5 by Gul Maced (played by David Warner, no less).

Thanks Tracy,
I was close, so I get points for that? I knew I shoulda' checked the Encyclopedia...

But hey, as long as there are four lights, right?

I kind of liked the Last Voyage, though I didn't know until now that the ship in question used in the movie was ILLE DE FRANCE. Kind of a sad way to end up, but it was better than ending up as a floating billboard, which is how I understand that GREAT EASTERN ended her working life.
there was a fictional book and movie about the titanic. the book is the secret of the titanic. The history was about a child (Eva Ryker) and her mother. They were first passenger. the last night her mother was killed by her lover. the ship hit with the iceberg and her child was looking for her. the lover locked her in the room together with a steward who was trying to save her. them the tryied to escape. The book is good, the movie is changed is not in the titanic but in the britanic