Titanic Coal Research Query


I am looking to source documentary evidence about how/where the coal was acquired for the Titanic. Specifically I am trying to tie the coal back to the Rhondda Valley in Wales and in a perfect world to the Lewis Merthyr Collieries.

Here's what I know so far (but I have not seen copies of any original documents to confirm this)...

1880 tons went on in Belfast from Kelly’s Fuels Belfast, and with the coal strike on, coal was taken off other IMMCo ships: The New York and Philadelphia . More coal was obtained from other Southampton in bound ships The Oceanic and Majestic.

Welsh coal was the best heating value , with little or no flame and very little smoke, Newcastle and Scotch burned much faster than Welsh. Logically it makes sense that the coal would have been sourced from Wales but with the 1912 coal strike this may not have been the case.

I'm hoping to find some conclusive evidence. Any help would be greatly appreciated.