Titanic Data Project

I am in the beginning stages of developing an interactive Power BI report based on the Titanic and the data surrounding it. Not the typical machine learning project everyone in the data world is familiar with. This is just a personal project I plan to enter into a contest, but using it as a learning experience to enhance my skills. I also have a 10 year old daughter who is obsessed with the Titanic so this will be fun for her too, and hopefully a chance for her to learn some cool facts about the ship and the people aboard.

First, I am very grateful for this site and the members here; so much information is a bit overwhelming but I would not be able to complete this project without the effort and dedication everyone here has put forth.

General idea for the project is as follows:
3 main sections

The ship page will consist of metrics dealing with the construction and make up of the ship. This is where I could use some help from you all. If anyone has a good reference area either here on ET or elsewhere on the web that deals with the actual construction and what was put into the ship; (# of rivets, chairs, stairs, rooms, etc.), i would really appreciate you pointing me in that direction. I have not had a chance to search through everything on this site; so much here. Just a general section would work and I can take it from there.

The passengers and crew pages will consist of metrics around all the people and their lives. I am using the passengers and crew lists provided by ET, but have gone through the effort of getting more detailed information off of each individuals profile page. How many passengers had the same birthday, how many wives lost their husbands that evening, what was the percentage of victims who were single vs married. Mixed in will be some short articles dealing with some interesting people aboard that many may not have known about. (If you have a favorite, let me know!)

Rough layout thoughts would be to style it similar to a Harry Potter Newspaper. Short articles on one side and an interactive graph or visual next to it with relevant metrics. The idea is to educate the user while keeping their attention with the different interactive pieces.

Not sure how many here are familiar with Power BI and what it is used for. One of the best business analytics tools on the market; great for finance, marketing, sales metrics and reports. What I am attempting here is a bit different then what is was created for, but I am trying to blend a webpage feel into analytics data with some out of the box methods.

Feel free to let me know what you think of the idea. I will definitely share the finished report here as well as include ET as the top resource in the report. Also, if anyone has a good idea of what else to include, let me know. Kind of an open end project to see where it leads.
Some of you may recognize this chart from the White Star page.

Here I have recreated it in Power BI and added in some modern day cruise ships for a comparison.

Things get a little crowded towards the left, but I think the comparison is comprehendible.
Not quite finished, but here is a first look.

Titanic - Echo's of the Unsinkable

My main dataset comes from the passenger/crew list provided here on ET. Took some time to clean up anyone in that list that was not on the ship at the time of the accident. I did use various other web sources, and i found that not very many sources presented the same numbers.... survivors, lost, passenger, crew, etc.

Still have the 'Passengers' page to finish up and also a small page regarding the class differences with dining and menus on the ship. But for the most part, it is there.

It is not your normal Power BI report; I have been learning how to use HTML/CSS elements within Power BI, to give the animation effects. These animations may not seem like a lot, but having the ability to use elements like these opens up quite a few possibilities within Power BI and the reports your able to build. Struggled heavily with getting the load times reduced for the images and visuals; would be interested in how long each page takes for you to fully load? Key point here: My main focus has been on creating something visually appealing, engaging and informative.

Feedback here is welcome for sure, but if you search far enough within the report, I have included some feedback functionality (testing another 'out-of-the-box' functionality). Strictly a side project; If you see anything wrong or incorrect, please let me know so i can correct.
Add a downloadable xlsl file of the saved passenger list with what boat they were in and additional information something like that.
Add a downloadable xlsl file of the saved passenger list with what boat they were in and additional information something like that.
I like that suggestion, but I went a step further and added in a direct link here to ET. Where they can get way more!

Contest deadline is April 1st.
I have tried to stick to the criteria of the contest.
Category Data Art & Storytelling - a competitive category where Participants shall identify their own topic, find an open dataset or conduct a survey.
Then Participants shall develop a storytelling web project or use an existing project published in 2023

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Utility: The project's ability to address real-world problems or highlight important themes.
  • Storytelling: The ability to convey a story or message through data.
  • Visual Perception: Aesthetic appeal and clarity of visualization.
  • Analytical Skills and Storytelling: A comprehensive presentation of data in a concise format.
  • Visual Design: Evaluation of visualization, project layout, and overall design.
Been working on tying the text theme to flow. And solving the long load times with the background image.
I have finished the title, ship and passengers page. Dining/Menu page only thing left.

Titanic - Echo's of the Unsinkable

Appreciate the feedback!