Titanic Exhibit In Chicago This Summer

Hi all.
I'm hoping for a get together for this exhibit sometime.
I haven't made a date as I would like to propose seeing who all can come & what date is best for them.
I think a weekend would be the best.
Anyone interested? I'd love to meet up!
We will likely not be allowed to take pictures in the exhibit itself.
Here is a link: http://www.msichicag o.org/titanic/index. html


:) Jeanne
Josh-I hope you can make it.
Hope to hear from others. I know some may be against the salvaging, but I'd like the opportunity for a gathering, chatting, etc..

Okay. As it turns out, my plans for July 1-5 fell through. However, I do know that I'll be in Chicago sometime during July. I can plan the dates around the get together to an extent. Let's figure out the dates!

David-hi, I apologize but I deleted your email today on accident due to a lady upsetting me from eBay without even getting to read it :-( Many apologies, I really feel bad about it, my emotions were not in a good state as you can tell.
I would still very much like a get together at the exhibit to meet friends, talk Titanic, modeling, etc..
I do have 1 fellow who is interested but he wants later in the year due to the fact he lives in England.
I would very much like to see everyone there.
Josh-if you're interested, kiddo, hop on a bus & come, you can always stay with me, I have met you already & your friendship is beyond words.

Cheers from the 1/400th Titanic model builder,

:) Jeanne