Titanic Exhibit returning to Chicago

judith i can confirm that the titanic exhibition is returning to chicago this year and it will be in chicago from july 1-october 31 at the museum of science and industry and there will be some new things there including a recreation of the bridge and new first class and second class state rooms and of course the most famous part of the ship the grand staircase will be shown so its not a rumor its a fact so if you live in the chicago area go see it jennifer mueller
The Chicago exhibit was the best one I have ever seen!! So indepth, so detailed, so informative. It was so great, I came from Ohio to see it. I doubt I will get a chance to see it again, but would absolutly love to go!!

Got my tickets today for the Chicago Exhibition! I will be going July 5, and will also see an IMAX showing of "Titanica" which I have not seen before in any format. I went twice when they were last here and am looking forward to this third visit.
Hi gang! Yes, indeed the exhibit is gonna be in Chicago those dates! I am planning a gathering on August 11th if anyone can come, sure like to meet ya there!

:) Jeanne
I just returned from my trip to the Chicago exhibition which also included my first ever viewing of "Titanica." The film I have to say is a bit lackluster overall, with only a few minutes of wreck footage and too many unnerving things like giving us Eva Hart's dog in a big closeup.

The exhibition itself seemed to have fewer artifacts this go-around but was no less compelling. In addition to the Grand Staircase replica that has become a standby, there is now a replica of the A-Deck promenade in a starlit, cold environment that I found very effective. Of the new artifacts I hadn't seen before I was impressed most by the C-Deck sign from the aft staircase, which is in the Grand Staircase replica. It's amazing that such a small piece of wood with just that much lettering would still exist after all this time. Also to see the stumpy remnants of the wheel from the forward bridge equipment.
The Chicago Titanic exhibit was impressive-(the 1st one) - i only worked at the Chicago exhibit two weeks before heading of to the Dallas exhibit- one downside of SFX having multiple Titanic exhibits is that this really spread the collection out thin. They wound up removing key artifacts from the Dallas Titanic exhibit, and sending it to the Chicago exhibit, as the Chicago one drew in more people . Sorry, but improving one exhibit at the expense of another did not sit well with me or the Dallas staff. I miss the days of just one large traveling Titanic exhibit. Now Titanic exhibits seem a dime a dozen....


Tarn Stephanos
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Tarn. I think it should be kept in one exhibit. Unfortunately, the exhibits attract so many people that they have to accommodate them with extended dates, putting off other museums who would love to host the exhibit. I can't wait for it to come to South Florida. Wish I knew of a good place to house it, or I'd get on the bandwagon! BTW, any TSOD employees browsing around? Any word on where TSOD will relocate after August?

Hello, all.

Does anyone know if the Titanic Houston exhibit differs from the Dallas exhibit of 2000? I'm going to Houston on July 18th on other business and am wondering if I should take the time to see this new exhibit.

Yesterday I went to the exhibit in Chicago. It was impressive. The boarding passes were cool! The grand staircase and the A deck promenade were so real that you could believe you were actually on Titanic! The artifacts were cool! My fave being the dishes and glassware! Its amazing to see what survived the sinking and all those years under water! I would have loved to see more of the survivor items and their stories but I heard that was last year!
The best part was seeing the section of the ship. It was haunting. I wanted so much to reach up and touch it.
It was emotional! I loved it. I recommend it!
I m going back as soon as I can.
There is a White Star Line blanket that I would love to get my hands on!
I believe the Houston exhibit has the D deck gangway door, which is somthing we did not have at the Dallas exhibit. Plus they have actors in costume (gag), as opposed to normal floor guides..

Things were different when i worked the exhibits....

Oh well

Tarn Stephanos.....