Titanic Exhibition in Atlanta to be featured on Ghost Hunters

I was disappointed by it. I was originally very excited about it and was almost counting the hours until it came on. I'm a firm believer in the paranormal, I've had some encounters I can't explain.

From what they showed on TV I felt like they were trying to cram too little information in a short as spot as possible. I couldn't help but think "Give me the info, stop complaining about this or that making noises."

They had so much to work with such as emotional imprints and perhaps even some paranormal activity.

The exhibits were interesting to watch for the brief glimpses we saw of them. At first it was interesting but then it started going downhill.

The only thing that really kept my interest was that phantom voice they showed. I would've liked to hear more of that.
While these kind of shows are silly, wouldn't it be interesting if they brought a couple of psychics down to the wreck?

There was that hilariously awful book about divers in hard suits going down there and encountering ghosts...something like "There's Something Alive on the Titanic". It makes one wonder what a credible psychic would feel down there.
In addition to my post #985, I was refreshing my Mother's memory, and she also reminded me of a paranormal experience she had. My deceased Sister Ginger owned a cockatiel, a form of a parrot bird, on two seperate occasions the bird's cage was moved, upon my Mother's enquire of who moved it...the older occupants of the home all replied that it was not them.

Michael Cundiff
>>>There was that hilariously awful book about divers in hard suits going down there and encountering ghosts...something like "There's Something Alive on the Titanic".<<<

Oh man, that gave me a rather bizzare mini movie mental image in my mind. I think I'm going to go wash my brain out with boiling water to get rid of the memory.

>>>It makes one wonder what a credible psychic would feel down there.<<<

I have heard talk that if you go down there you can feel the emotional imprint and the spirits of those who died.
>>>Oh man, that gave me a rather bizzare mini movie mental image in my mind. I think I'm going to go wash my brain out with boiling water to get rid of the memory. <<<

There WAS a similar scene in a movie...and this probably belongs more in the Movie section. But, here goes. In Goliath Awaits there is a fantastic scene (the only scene in the flick that you could use that adjective) where Mark Harmon is diving on the wreck of the Goliath. He is looking into a porthole and suddenly a girl's face pops into view.
The mental image I had was of an undead passenger coming out from the hull of the ship with his arms outstretched for me.
Mr Goldsmith,I am the person who mentioned the gh episode, and I am here to say that, I am sorry for mentioning about the episode,and i want you to know that, i didnt mean to offend you or those in your family who survived in any way, shape, or form by saying something about it. I am very sorry for your loss, and greatful that you had loved ones who survived the sinking. Please forgive me. jennifer mueller
Yawn is right! I watched this episode last evening, courtesy of a friend that sent me a copy. I have to agree, it was great to see the layout of the exhibition, but apart from that it didn't have any substance.

While I do believe in the paranormal as I've experienced it myself, this was definitely a bit much.