Titanic game Challange of Discovery


I bought the game Dr Ballards Titanic: Challange of Discovery yesterday for $20. The problem is that you can't dive at the titanic wreck until you have completed a lot of boring missions.

Does anyone have a cheat or a save from the game so I can go diretly to the Titanic wreck?

I tried a google search, but the game is not so well-known so I found nothing.

You have to complete missions just to watch the facts and the photos of Titanic. that's no fun
I have the same problem. Iv had the game for years and I still havent gotten past the first mission. I spent 14 days of my summer vacation just stairing at the screen and I found an airplane and a whole lot of kelp. Besides the remakabley facinating ]-: chance to study virtuall undersea plant life, it was a waste of time. All I want to do is dive down to the Titanic and explore. I couldn't give a sh-- about the isis or the bismark missions. I know I know people died on those ships too and they should be respected. However, is it called Isis or Bismark challenge of discvery? No! People bought it to see the Titanic. That is why I want to know a way to get around those missions.
Hi Chris.

Yep. it is so annoying.

I have tried every searchengine and they almost don't find anything at all about the game. Isn't there anyone out there who has come to the titanicmission.
it seems the guy who reviewed the game beat the last mission. He gave an email adress, but the guy reviewed it a while back and the email adress is now no good. I wish there was just some walkthrough or cheat.
Maybe if we keep this post new long enouph, someone who beat the game might stumble apon it. Post! Post! Post! If anyone has any info please put it here. It would mean alot to any person who has this game.
This is your lucky day gentlemen-I happen to know someone who has completed the entire game, from beginning to end, and who has the coordinates for all the ships written down. Who? ME! Bad news is, there's no cheating-you HAVE to complete the first few missions in order to get to Titanic, at which point you can explore her to your hearts content from the surface with an ROV, or in your sub. Both sections, wreckage, boilers, it's all down there! Mail me (subject 'Titanic game') for more...


[email protected]
Hi Mike.

Finally someone who has played it. Was it worth all the hours? IS the graphics good when you dive the wreck. Can you go inside the wreck?

best regards, mike
The graphics on the Titanic wreck are relatively simple, but effective-don't expect tons of detail, but just lots of atmosphere. You can go inside, but there's not much to see, so don't go expecting 'chandaliers' and the like! But all the main features are there-bow capstans/railings etc, telemotor on the bridge, propellers, etc etc.

The Bismarck wreck is the best one in the game, with it's deck swastikas, umpteen guns, etc.

All good fun!
I wish I had your patience to figure out how to play that game. I spent many long days trying and finally got fed up with the complicated junk expected of you to complete the early missions. Just what is supposed to be the best formula for hiring a crew and taking on equipment? And forcing you to search the ocean floor in real time? What are the exact coordinates for Isis and Bismarck anyway in the game?

Needless to say this CD-ROM didn't do much to enhance my already not too high opinion of Ballard if this concept was his idea.
I just bought this game off a Yahoo auction for $5.99 with shipping. This game is now flooding Yahoo and eBay auctions. I have spent over 10 hours trying to figure this one out. Already I am totally disgusted with the game.

I have had a mutiny from the crew and found nothing but ocean floor. You are supposed to get information from the museum about ISIS or whatever that wood boat's name is, and you really don't get anything that helps you find it. And the crew is no help at all. All I get is 'check the weather' and stuff like that.

Does anyone know whether a manual came with the original game? This is a problem to play without any information at all. Does anyone have the co-ordinates still available?
Susan, I think maybe the reason it's flooding the auctions is because like you, everyone else got fed up with trying to figure it out!
I too spent many wasted hours getting nowhere trying to find the blasted Isis when I bought it a few years back and I haven't bothered to try it since.

There was a manual that only offered key codes for operating the sub etc. but zero as far as figuring out how to find the ships. And what's worse, no one on the Internet ever came up with a walkthrough guide to help those of us figure out how to do this.
I can almost search for the titanic in that game! Hurray ;) But i need 5000 points to do that, and i've only got 3000.. thats annoying ;)

At the isis project, you need to find stone bottles on the bottom of the ocean floor. If you deploy the sonar while you are traveling with your boat somewhere to the south, you will find it. I can tell you the exact place of where to find it, if you like..
Thanks Laura and Eric! I am having problems with launching and running the equipment and everything else for that matter. There is no real indication when you 'launch' the sonar that it is even working. That is why I wish there was a manual with this game. I will try to go south and drag one of those things along and see what I find! :)

I am 'blonde' and my 'gray matter' is not what it used to be, but I just did not think I was that dumb not to be able to beat a computer game!