Titanic game Challange of Discovery

haha i'm gonna start the game right away, and i will email you the exact place..

I can also tell it here, for other people who would like to know it

(My apologizes for my bad english, but i'm from the netherlands..)
The exact place to find the ISIS is:

10'58'45"E 38'34'53"N

If you go to that place with your ship, and you have deployed the sonar, you will get a message from your crew that you have found a target. If you are only near by the target, but not exactly on the place I have written before, you can zoom in, and go with your ship to the place, where you can find a purple dot..

Good luck
Thanks! Now I just need to make sure that at one time a few years ago I didn't throw the disc away in a fit of frustration. (I'm sure it's still there though)
Hi everyone,
A few weeks ago I had nothing to do so I decided to give it one last chance. In one evening I beat the whole game. Quite unbelievable it sounds, but it is really easy once you get going. Plus I cheated a bit on the photographs neccessary. Since the Isis location is already posted I thought I would inform people of the other locations.
Bismark:16' 06' 43'W
48' 09' 03'N
Titanic:50' 56' 05'W
50' 43' 00'N
Another tip. When looking for the stern in the Bismark mission just follow the debris with the sonar. It is too hard to find with anything else.
I also just followed instructions and learned what I could in the beginning museum part and talked to the people on the dock and the guy with the equipment. I was on the Titanic wreck in 1 (long) night. Now, I can get into the wreck in just a few minutes to poke around. There are clues everywhere for finding the wrecks in the museum. The boilers, the valise, the megaphone - so much to see in the debris field and of course the wreck is pretty cool. Being able to save photographs from your ROV/sub is also very neat. I really enjoyed it! Sure, it is a bit corny - but it's also a bit cool. Also, under the stern/poop deck and the props - great place to look around, as is the bridge and going down the staircase. And the nice doors, rooms and other details near the break on either section. I still find stuff I have not seen before. It can even feel claustrophobic - I play with the lights out and the stereo up.

For anybody who has trouble finding the Bismarck, look in the right center of the search area. Deploy your sonar in the right half of the search area, and mow the lawn in a north to south direction until you find two targets one above the another. They are very close to each other.
I suppose this is a dumb thing to ask NOW since I've already bought the thing off Ebay, but I was wondering if it will work with Windows XP? If not I spent $3.99 for nothing. Oh well, no big loss. Just wondering if anyone knew. I've heard that it may require messing with the Windows Compatibility mode. Thanks anyone who can help.

Windows XP will run in Windows Compatibility Mode. Just go to Accessories, look for the Compatibility Mode, select Windows 95 for your game-running program, and you should be on your way. Hope this helps.

I hope I can find someone in here that's played this!

Does anybody know where the darn gun turrets are on Bismark? I can't find a debris field anywhere and I always run out of time diving, retrieving the equipment, diving again, etc, etc. I feel like I'm never getting past the Bismark.

Wow. NObody ever replied. That's strange for here. Hmm. Well, I finished the game anyway. I found that the real trick to diving on a wreck is to use your "zoom" feature on your maps. If you're looking at the X on the map, and launching based on the X with no zoom, you'll miss it. If you zoom all the way in on your map, then move the ship DIRECTLY on the X, when you dive, there's your wreck! Just be sure you hit your ballast early or you'll crash right down on top of it! I destroyed about 20 subs crashing onto the roof of the Titanic before I realized that I have to hit my ballast much earlier. I found that I could get through the entire game with 1 set of dots, the left hand column crew...(I deleted everyone in the right column), the cheap ship, no argo, and the heave compensator. Always take the heave compensator. I actually completed the Titanic mission using nothing but the sub. No Jason, Argo, dots, none of the extra stuff. Just me and my sub! It's really neat to be able to explore it now anytime I want. There's always something new to see. At least for me there is. It's a very nice "escape from reality" for a couple of hours. If anyone needs any help with this game please let me know. From the looks of it though, I think this may be the last message on this thread! Doesn't look like too many are interested in this game.
As it turned out, I did throw away my copy in a housecleaning last year before moving. I really got frustrated with the whole concept because there wasn't a convenient walkthrough on the web like for any other CD-ROM game. But another reason for why I felt it expendable was because of Robert Ballard's involvement with the whole thing, and after Ballard's dishonorable conduct in his return to the Titanic mission, my desire to have anything with his name attached to it is pretty much nil now.

My congratulations to those who were able to finish it, and that they found more enjoyment in it than I did.
Eric, I understand completely. Do you mind if I ask what is considered as Ballard's dishonorable conduct on the Return To Titanic mission? I didn't think I saw him do anything dishonorable. The man is very self-righteous, I can definitely see that. I can understand some of his points too. I'm not arguing with you at all Eric, I'm just wondering what else I may have missed. Have a great one!
Just trying to keep this little thread alive. Hope somebody out there has enjoyed this game as much as I eventually did...once I figured out how to win the damn thing!