Titanic Memorabilia

I was just wondering if you guys get the same response I do when looking for Titanic memorabilia at antique shops, most of the time, I ask the person working at the shop if they have anything Titanic related and you wouldn't believe the looks I get. Its almost as if I asked for a rock from Mars. I think they think I mean a PIECE of the ship itself or a menu or something like that. Its like they don't know there are newspapers, books, postcards, etc.. that fit in the Titanic memorabilia category. Another thing is, when they do have something that has the words TITANIC printed on it, they automatically think its worth a fortune
Hello Darren:

Yes...so then you should have seen the indifferent replies when, prior to James Cameron's epic, the antique dealers were asked by myself..."Do you have anything TITANIC related whatsoever?". Always the same reply..."What's the big deal about the TITANIC?" Some were quick to dupe.."The ship hit an iceberg and
people died..big deal!"

Yes indeed....and Cameron's TITANIC makes for *blockbuster* of all-time.

Nowadays these same antique dealers can't even look me in the eye. Oh, and btw...

...they keep their TITANIC in memorial editions (You know the ones I mean) under lock and key.

Me...I aquired much of my steamship memorabilia collection from these very same folks. It's amazing to have a proprieter *give* you a one-of-a-kind (see: Brian Hawley's site) OLYMPIC snapshot, that he retrieved from the basement of his second hand store. A word of mouth undaunted search disclosed many a cherished piece. And btw again...I aquired another *original* photograph of MAURETANIA (1) arriving in HAVANA harbor...14 Feb. '34. The proprieter of said second-hand store thought it was a photo of LUSITANIA, however, I informed him of LUCY's demise (7 May '15). So...it's a certainty...LUCY never made the trip to HAVANA...and beside, that particular make and year of car, as seen at the quayside in the photo would/could not have been there...;-)

BTW, it took me a year to get him (He also has some photograph gig, nothing privy with LUCY) to part with that photograph. And oh the satisfaction when doing some follow-up research with the invaluable NY TIMES on microfilm...
...the instance of this particular photograph made NYT front page...and very much a *holiday* for business in HAVANA...so declared that day by the Mayor of the city!!

However it is nice to see the exposure of memorabilia from our *love*, E-BAY is nothing but detrimental to the collector at heart.

Michael A. Cundiff
detrimental? I happen to think e-bay is the greatest thing for a Titanic lover. I just got 2 great extremely hard to find out of print books and the final plate for my collection from e-bay. I'll admit there is a lot of weird crap in there but for the most part you can get some great stuff.

BTW you seem to have great luck with second hand shops, what's your secret?

What I meant by detrimental...most of those offering steamship memorabila on E-BAY don't give a hoot about *our* sacred history of steamships. They are, and have been since, capitaling on a *popular* film.

My secret? Not a secret at all. They just never placed any value on it before...not until the repercussions from the CAMERON film.

Heck, most of the advertisers on E-BAY directly after the success of CAMERON'S film were quick to note..."LUSITANIA...sister ship of the TITANIC".

I actually had a woman, whom overhead my asking for TITANIC memoraibila at an antique fair (pre-JC) lead me over to a table where there was a real-photo card of TITANIC bearing an July '12 cancellation with entailing reference to 15 April... "Is'nt it awful?" (They wanted a *whole* $5.00 for it!)

I wanted to buy the woman lunch!

BTW, you won't be finding a Filson Young in any second-hand bookstores soon...oh no...cause they are commanding nearly a thousand dollars per E-BAY)

There was a time when Young's work was of a dust covered find...;-)

Michael A. Cundiff
OH DARREN! You haven't tried it as a woman.... from California. I have actually had shop owners roll their eyes and ask defensively and almost amusingly "why do YOU seek items from Titanic?" (Like I am a wrong generation groupie Decaprio follower.)
My rarest, and practically only find??? Just a little ole cobalt blue bottle....... Had the name on it........ I can't recall....... CASSE something
(Abbey ... Normal, yes that's it!)
The search is half the fun.
At an estate sale they had about 200 National Geographics, so I sat down to go through them.
20 minutes later I had 3 editions with Titanic related articles tucked under my arm and continued on.
The price above the magazines said, 3 for a dollar.
Picked up a camping axe and a CD and headed for the cashier.
I had the exact amount for my purchases, 7 dollars, and handed it to the cashier.
As soon as she saw the Titanic headings on the magazines she informed me they were a dollar apiece.
I begged to differ with her and got my 3 magazines for the aforementioned dollar but it struck me as funny how the name Titanic conjures up the funniest replys and actions from people!

I've actually had alot of luck in finding Titanic (or should I say Olympic) memorabilia. I bought a very rare Walter Thomas postcard (it's not the one you think, this one is painted in black and white) and an ad for the Olympic from 1929 for $5. Not bad at all!
I'm new to all this, but I recently acquired a 1st class passenger ticket for the intended voyage of 10/4/12 from New York. The ticket was assigned to 'Rev. James Stewart Harden' [or 'Hardin'--spelling unclear].
I have 2 questions for you experts:
1] are there collectors of such 'peripheral' material? and
2] how would I go about finding out about what ever happened to the Rev. who never sailed?
Thanks for any help.
Hi, Rev. Mamchak!

Rev. J. Stuart Holden was the rector of St. Paul's Church in London; he was forced to cancel his passage on the Titanic because his wife had to undergo an operation.

Since a number of modern reproductions of Rev. Holden's ticket have been sold as souvenir postcards etc., are you absolutely positive that your ticket is *the* original?

All my best,

My Thayer,Lightoller,Gracie,Shipbuilders and Young Titanic books were all found on Ebay.

90% of my rarest books came from Ebay, so i see it as a godsend...

Tarn Stephanos
i have wanted to ask this question for a while, and this seems like the right board to ask. for all you white star line collectors out there: where do you find most of your artifacts? i have tried antique stores,as well as flea markets(without luck) and yes, ebay, of course. ebay seems like the best place to broaden a collection, but the prices are astronomical! perhaps there is someone out there that can help me broaden my collection. i am seeking mostly postcards, luncheon menus, and any other paper materials. i would like to find a place where the seller does not know what they are selling,and not many people know about.
any information or thoughts would be most helpful and appreciated : )