Titanic Museum in Ohio

If you mean John Whitman's Titanic Town and museum- John died a while back. I am not sure what became of his collection. There were many lovely paintings.It used to be called The Cornfield Museum- nice man, was John.

My friend, Dru Schillow of Pennsylvania
knew the gentleman pretty well. Perhaps he
can shed some light on the subject. I believe
he is still a list member.

Hi, all!

The Sidney museum had some good stuff, but it was also one of the reasons why I wrote my first Commutator article about counterfeit Titanic memorabilia. One museum showcase contained a Titanic launch ticket that was identical to the reproductions Peter Boyd Smith produced twenty five years ago -- only *this* ticket had been baked in an oven to 'brown' the paper and make it look old. (Coincidentally, I had brought part of my own collection to the museum to show the staff, and an identical -- but 'unaged' -- launch ticket was in one of my albums; when the museum curator saw my ticket, his eyes met mine and a very 'significant look' passed between us -- because *he* knew that *I* knew.)

A set of supposed 'Titanic interior blueprints' was also on display -- only my friend Ray Lepien knew for a fact that the plans did not depict the Titanic. Another display contained an old dress that was supposedly worn on the Titanic by a lady whom I had never heard of. When I asked about the woman's unfamiliar name, I was told it was her married name; when I asked what the lady's name had been on the Titanic's passenger list, the museum curator 'couldn't remember.'

It was a real shame, too, because the museum contained enough good stuff that there was no need for 'artifacts' like these to be included in its displays.

All my best,

Thanks all for this very interesting information. Colleen, thanks for posting the info from Roadside America ( thats such a neat website). I was fixing to ask about the clothes and who they belonged to before I read what George said. Its a shame they didn't belong to a real survivor.
An update on some wrong information- John Whitman is alive and well, although with some health issues, and is still in Ohio. The site of the former museum is now a nightclub called the Phoenix-which is not doing so well (well, it IS in a cornfield miles from town). John did sell his Titanic collection. It was a great idea, his 1912 town. Maybe someone else will build it- and I bet we will come!
John Whitman

John is not dead. I've known John since childhood and his family as well. John is in hiding and working on his art. Not only did he have the Titantic display, but an excellent art college as well. There may be no other person who knows more about the ship than John. What is not said is that the City of Sidney did not care for John's life style and would not support his venture. It is a shame, much was lost because of personality conflict. If you are trying to do anything concerning the great ship, not to consult John would be a mistake. John Marsh