Titanic Wallpapers Clipart Graphics & Midis

Try going into a search engine like Google and using as keywords: Titanic downloads

That will come up with loads of sites with wallpapers, screen savers, etc.
Oh, okay. I originally tried "Titanic Wallpaper" and came up with stuff that took me to sites that had nothing to do with wallpaper, etc....so I decided to ask the experts, you guys!
I followed your steps Bob and found some great things...haven't looked at all of them yet. But I did choose a pic for my wallpaper. Now I have another question...I found a screen saver of Titanic pics morphing together...once I download it, how do I get it in the list of screen savers that I see in my control panel?
Hi Deborah.

Assuming you're running Win98 or similar, try the following:

(1)Launch Windows Explorer and search for "*.scr" files. This will bring up a list of your screensavers and show you where they are kept. (On my PC they are saved in the "Windows" folder.)

- Sorry: forgot to add that you select "Tools" then "Find" and finally "Files or Folders" within Windows Explorer to commence the search for the screensaver files.

(2) Move your Titanic screensaver to the same folder. It should then be accessible from the list of available screensavers in your Display Properties dialog box.

Hope this helps.

Good advice from Paul, but the download is more likely to be a file ending in .exe, in which case you need to double click on it to 'run' it - this will install the screensaver.

BUT the .exe file will often arrive inside a 'zip' archive file, so it needs to be extracted from the archive before you can click on it.

These procedures are all easier than they sound, but can be daunting if you're not familiar with basic file handling. In which case the best procedure is to invite a tecchie friend round for coffee!
I am running on Windows XP.

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the whole zip thing. I don't know of anyone off the top of my head that is a computer-techie person. But I could look around. Thanks anyway.
Hi Deborah,

If any of your downloads are zip files, go to www.winzip.com and download the free program. This will extract the file and allow you to run your downloads.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
