TITANIC's Bridge Quartermasters' schedule

Soon after the the noon departure time from Southampton, of 10 April 1912...I was wondering if anybody might know the schedule of Titanic's Bridge Quartermasters, and who took over the wheel soon after Pilot George Bowyer left the ship at the Nab lightship?

Any help at all will *certainly* be most appreciated! Thank you.
Hello Tammy,
How far did you get with the suggestions I made regarding working this out? Just wondering, as you've had to ask again and I wouldn't want to want to repeat information or suggestions you're already working with.
Frankly, Fiona, I asked this same question on the T-T! Forum, and got no where with anyone answering it. That's why I posted it here at ET...hoping that "someone" might come up with the answers I'm seeking.

I've also searched all the Titanic-related sites for that ever elusive schedule, too.
Tammy, I don't understand your post. I answered your question at T-T, hence my question here regarding whether that answer had been of any help. It wasn't a definitive answer, just suggestions about starting points.

Apologies if you thought I was being rude, but I didn't want to repeat myself and cause offence if you'd already gone through the times given in the enquiries and worked back. As it seems I'm damned no matter what I do from your post above and another post in response to me today elsewhere on this board, I'll bow out and leave further response to someone else.

Hello Tammy,
On all the big liners I have sailed on dating back to the early 50's and after, a bridge Quartermaster took the wheel immediately the last line was cast off from the dockside. I would imagine that this was the procedure in Titanic's day also and if not, I'm yet to hear about it.
It is a misconception to think that the master or pilot takes the wheel during pilotage.
I've only known this to happen in very small craft or at ports of call with unusual tidal and current conditions. In such cases it is usually by request from the master or sometimes protocol of the local harbour authority.
It is also interesting to note that with Cunard White Star, the lookout also took his position in the ''nest'' on sailing but this wasn't the case with many other shipping company's who maintained the dusk to dawn routine.
To answer your question more fully, the Quartermasters would then operate their usual watch routines throughout the voyage of 12-4, 4-8 and 8-12 etc.

I hope this is what you're looking for,

All the best

Thank you, David. My friend, Maria, & I were also trying to figure out...

12 - 4 (a.m./p.m.)?
4 - 8 (a.m./p.m.)?
8 - 12 (a.m./p.m.)?

on the odd/even days at sea, beginning when Titanic left the Southampton port.

Won't you please clarify the above Duty Roster Time too?

Thank you, still yet again.
The watches David's talking about are the standard bridge keeping watches -

a. Watch "a" 0000 (Midnight) - 0400
b. Watch "b" 0400 - 0800
c. Watch "c" 0800 - 1200
d. Watch "a" 1200 - 1600
e. Watch "b" 1600 - 2000
f. Watch "c" 2000 - 0000

This, as far as I know is the standard watch keeping for all merchant ships, however, since in the Titanic era the "Dog Watches" were kept, I'm not sure as to whether this included the Quartermasters.

As to when the QM's took the wheel I totally agree with David, it would have been as soon as the the ship let go, ie. cast off from the dockside.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes and Rgds

There are some things unclear to me... For example, why were they uneven in number? As far as I know five quartermasters departed from Belfast (Olliver, Bright, Perkis, Rowe and Wynn) and were joined by other two at Southampton (Hichens and Humphreys). How could they arrange their schedule if they were uneven? Didn't they work in pairs?

Also, I read somewhere in this forum that they were working in groups of three (this would make sense with them being 7): one would steer the wheel for two hours and the other would be a standby on the forebridge, then they would swap roles; the third one would be stationed on the afterbridge. Is this correct?