TitanicWhite Star Auction Press Release

Hi all,

here is the press release I received from Henry Aldrige & Sons which describes some of the highlights of their upcoming Titanic/White Star auction, coming up in Southampton at the British Titanic Society convention, April 6th.

It is quite long, but I decided to upload it just as I received it, as it makes for quite interesting reading.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T

Henry Aldridge & Son The Devizes Auctioneers


TELEPHONE: 01380 729199 FAX: 01380 730073
WEB: www.henry-aldridge.co.uk
EMAIL: [email protected]

Auctioneers of Specialist Antiques, Collectibles & Titanic and White Star
Line Memorabilia.


Henry Aldridge & Son, Devizes Auctioneers are one of the few Auction Houses
to hold specialist sales of RMS Titanic , Olympic, Britannic, White Star
Line and Ocean Liner memorabilia. April 6th 2001 sees them holding an
auction of Ocean Liner collectibles at the Hilton Hotel, Southampton during
the annual convention of the British Titanic Society. It includes some of
the most important items of on board related Titanic paperwork and
associated artefacts to be offered in recent years.

Francis M. Browne, a Jesuit Priest who travelled on Titanic to
Queenstown, Ireland from Southampton. He is one of the most important
figures in the Titanic disaster even though he was only on board for one
night. Father Browne, a very keen photographer, the pictures he took between
April 10th and April 11th 1912 record some of the most stunning images of
the ship. These included the infamous miss with the American Ocean Liner New
York as Titanic left Southampton, rare glimpses of the interior of the ship
and the last ever photograph taken of the Captain of Titanic Edward J.
Smith. Father Browne left his archive of over 42,000 photographs to the
Jesuit Order. Father Browne is now acknowledged to be one of the worlds
greatest ever photographers, in 1996 there was exhibition is Paris of his
work at the Georges Pompidou Centre. Over 600,000 people visited L’Irlande
du pere Browne during its time in the French Capital including among others
the French President Jacques Chirac and the President of Ireland Mary

During his time on board the ill fated liner Father Brown sent his niece a
letter card on Titanic Stationary giving his impressions of the ship on his
first trip. He describes it as "Grand — Grander — Grandest of all that I
have seen, tho the same size as the Olympic she is Grander". He later adds
"He only wishes he was going the whole way". The letter gives us a graphic
description of the near miss with the New York. "The suction set about by
the passing of the Titanic was so great that the New York, a big American
Liner of 10,000 tons which was lying beside the Quay was drawn out, and all
of her big cables snapped — with pistol shot reports like bits of twine.
Then she came drifting towards us at great pace and everyone thought it was
all up with one or the other of the ships, such shouting running and

This letter is a highly valuable and rare historical document in
itself, but it is being sold with a pincushion bought by Father Browne in
the Barbers Shop on board Titanic. Father Browne adds in the letter "I am
sending you a pin cushion, I got here in the Barbers Shop, it is not
beautiful but it may be useful" Items purchased from on board Titanic are
very rare but it is unknown for a piece of this calibre to be offered for
sale on the open market, this lot is estimated at £40,000 - £60,000.
Father Browne’s journey on Titanic was not his only brush with the Grim
Reaper, in 1915 he was ordained into the priesthood. His
first job was as chaplain to the Irish Guards, during this time he was
injured a number of times and suffered at the hands of mustard gas in 1918
He won the Military Cross and Bar and the Croix de Guerre.

Stanley May was again a passenger on board Titanic. Like Father Browne he
was a first class passenger who made the same short trip to Queenstown,
Ireland. Whilst on board he purchased a number of mementos of his journey.
Some of which are to be sold on the 6th April 2001 by Henry Aldridge & Son.
The May Archive offers an opportunity to own some further examples on board
Titanic memorabilia. A postcard sent from on board to Mr May’s daughter in
excellent condition saying he has had a fine trip that is almost at an end
Estimate £4000-6000
and a very rare on board menu for breakfast on April 11th 1912. This offers
such gastronomic delights as Boiled Hominy, Sirloin Steak, Buckwheat Cakes
and Corn Bread, estimate £8000-£12,000.

During his time on Titanic, Mr May sent his family other souvenirs including
a book of White Star Line Music. This booklet again has full written
provenance that it is indeed from on board Titanic by way of a copy an
original on board letter sent by Mr May, estimate £4000-£6000. The May
Archive is completed by way
of a small ceramic pin or butter dish Estimate £1500-£2500. Although not
granted a written on
board provenance like the Father Browne Collection or White Star Line Music
Book, the pin tray has been passed via direct descent to its present owner
and is assumed to have been taken as a souvenir perhaps during Breakfast on
the morning of April 11th 1912.

Although the May Archive and Father Browne Collection will realise thousands
of pounds, there are items for sale in the auction for all Titanic and White
Star Line Collectors. A rare White Star line First Class Plan of
Accommodation for RMS Olympic that describes Titanic as Building will cause
great interest. A later example was sold in Henry Aldridge & Son’s July
Titanic and White Star Line Auction for £3500.

One of the largest collections of books and ephemera both contemporary and
later is being offered for sale on April 6th. Over 100 lots of books related
to RMS Titanic with estimates ranging from £30-£50 upto £500-£800 including
the definitive book about Titanic and Olympic A.E Hood’s The Shipbuilder,
Lawrence Beesley’s The Loss of the Titanic and the rare Journey to Other
Worlds by the richest man on the ship J.J. Astor.

RMS Olympic Titanic’s sister and the only one of the three sisters to
complete her working life is well represented in the sale. There are various
items of panels and wood lumber from two staterooms C-62 & C-86 on board,
these are sold with an interesting royal connection. When the Duke of
Windsor travelled to the USA in the 1930's on business one of his favoured
suites was Cabin C-86 also known as the Georgian Room. RMS Olympic was
broken up in 1935 and all of her various parts were sold at auction. Other
lots from RMS Olympic include an on board menu from a voyage only three
months after the sinking of the Titanic and a stunning paperweight made from
the brass from Olympic after she was broken up.

Fully Illustrated Catalogues are available for this major auction from the
auctioneers at 15 pounds (UK postage included) Overseas postage of cost. If
you have any queries please contact either Alan Aldridge or Andrew Aldridge
BA Hons Fine Arts Valuation on +44 1380 729199/ +44 1380 720900 or email us
on [email protected] or visit our web site at
Hello Michael!
I've just recieved the Aldridge&Son catalogue myself, and I must say it will be quite interesting to see for example how much the letter of Father Browne will go for on the auction.
Father Browne really made his short journey with the Titanic memoriable even though he only stayed for one night. (Lucky guy!)
Will you be there on Friday, bidding?

Hi Lars,

I only wish I could be there bidding, but a trip to the UK is just not in the cards for right now. one of the downsides to owning my own business is that I hardly ever get to go anywhere!

just getting to the South Carolina dinner was a challenge, and I wasn't even gone for a full week!

would love to attend that auction though even if I couldn't bid on a thing. it should be both exciting and interesting. perhaps you could post some of the highlights here on ET after you get back from the convention???

in the meantime, good luck on the bidding, and beware of wooden deck chairs!

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your post about the Auction. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing your concerns about the wooden deck chair. I would find your thoughts of interest.
Thank You
Ralph Cook
Hello Michael!
If nobody else does before me I'll tell ya about the highlights on the Auction.
I hardly think I'll bid on anything though I'm not that wealthy;(poor student!) But , as you said, just to attend it will be a thrill! I'll watch out for the chairs. What about them anyway??

Couldn't you tell me about the South Carolina Dinner?
Australia sounds interesting; there are many Australians on the board; Is the country just like the TV series The flying Doctor?

re: oops!

Ralph wrote:
I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing your concerns about the wooden deck chair. I would find your thoughts of interest.

Hi Ralph,
my apologies. I didn't realize there actually will be a deck chair up for auction at the convention. I was just joking because of the fiasco that occurred on eBay when a 'genuine Titanic deckchair' was auctioned a few months ago. as I have said elsewhere, I have no knowledge on whether that deck chair was real or not, but the auction itself was very poorly handled. that was the only reason I made the comment, which was just a (poor) attempt at humor. please accept my apologies for the confusion.

Hi to Lars too!
Lars, there is an entire thread on the South Carolina dinner right here on ET. check it out in the 'Let's Meet' folder.

and I'm afraid I can't tell you a thing about Australia as I have never been there. I hang out in Tampa, Florida most of the time. you need to hook up with Fiona, as she is Down Under. Inger too, I think, although she is hiding out in England these days. :).

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
who wouldn't know a real Titanic deck chair if he tripped over it!

Thanks Michael no apologies needed!!
You could not be more right about that auction it was a fiasco and I was shocked. The Chair is at the Orlando Ship of Dreams museum and it might find its way to the auction above.

The best to you,
Ralph Cook