Toronto's Titanic Survivors

Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind
Staff member
We all know that the R.M.S. Titanic set sail on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England on April 10th, 1912 bound for New York via Cherbourg, France and Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland, and that she struck an iceberg on April 14th at 11:40 pm and sank two hours and forty minutes later on April 15th at 2:20 am, with the loss of 1,496 lives and 712 saved. But what we don’t know is some of the passengers and what kind of lives they led, before and after the Titanic disaster. Canada has many connections to the Titanic; Toronto being one of many cities that can lay claim to that fact, as five survivors of the disaster are buried in this city. This article will explore the lives of five people that were aboard the Titanic, during that fateful maiden and only voyage of the great ship.


Nice article. I have taken the liberty of extracting a small entry from it.

Emma Bliss (nee Junod) was born in Rolle, Switzerland on May 9, 1866. Her previous ship had been the Majestic. She was a first class stewardess and received monthly wages of 3 pounds. Emma was rescued in Lifeboat 15.

After the disaster, she moved to Toronto and married Ernest John Bliss. On April 15th, 1939 she along with Elizabeth Mellinger, Madeleine Mann (nee Mellinger) and Samuel John Collins met for a Titanic reunion at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto.

What I would like to know if the "Samuel John Collins" mentioned here is the same person as John Collins, the 17-year old scullion on board the Titanic who survived on top of the overturned Collapsible B? Or is it someone else? There appears to be some confusion about this and even John Collins daughter Mary McKee did not know the answer when I contacted her over 15 years ago while trying to do some research. John Collins joined the Royal Navy during WWI and ended-up as a German POW.
Help with info

Wondered if in your research you would have come across any info on Everett Edward Elliott, should be around 30 yoa. He was on the crew list as E or Ed Elliott, Engine Dept. He was buried at the Fairview Cemetery in Halifax Nova Scotia. My fathers middle name is Edward so I am trying to figure out if there is a chance we are related. If you have any ideas on anyone else I could contact I would appreciate that also. Thanks for your help.
"These six people (including John Hugo Ross), and their shipmates, were just like everybody else, nothing special or extraordinary about them." I always thought they (Ross, McCaffry, Beattie, Fortunes) were some of the MOST interesting figures on Titanic! Good article and a good find.

I've been a bit obsessed by John Hugo Ross. I had been in contact with some of his relatives back in 2010, but the messages stopped after awhile. I hope they are well. But here's an interesting tidbit:

Susan wrote:
"In my Great Grandmother's diaries (Jessie Ross) she wrote
about preparing for Hugo to come home soon. When she heard the
terrible news, she wrote (I think it was an April 13 or 14 entry) that
her darling Hugo was gone and she could write no more. She didn't
write until the following year.

It is obvious from Jessie's diaries that she doted on her son, Hugo.
In her eyes, one has the feeling, he could do no wrong. Yet the
accounts tell about the rift between he and his father........"
Thanks for the kind comment Tim, much appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed my article.

As well, thanks again for providing this info - very interesting to see!

I've sent you a private e-mail regarding this.
My article has been revised and updated, just in time for the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I've corrected some errors that crept in, in the section regarding Arthur Peuchen. Also, I wrote a piece on John (Samuel) Collins who is the sixth survivor, who resided in Toronto. I didn't know about Collins living in Toronto until 2016, so he finally has been added.
Help with info

Wondered if in your research you would have come across any info on Everett Edward Elliott, should be around 30 yoa. He was on the crew list as E or Ed Elliott, Engine Dept. He was buried at the Fairview Cemetery in Halifax Nova Scotia. My fathers middle name is Edward so I am trying to figure out if there is a chance we are related. If you have any ideas on anyone else I could contact I would appreciate that also. Thanks for your help.
Well you wrote this comment a decade ago lol but Everett Edward elliott was my grandmothers uncle, my great great grandfathers son. I have information that my help you if you are still looking into this after all these years feel free to email me directly [email protected]. - Tim