Question Trying to find info on my great grandfather


Hi, My grandmother who is no longer living, told her children growing up that her father, James Jenkins was an electrician and went over to Ireland to work on the Titanic, and was aboard on his way home when it sunk. I can't find any information about if they hired people from the USA to come over there to work or not and I can't find any information on his death anywhere. She also told them that the Government held a memorial in Virginia, and they got an invitation to come, and that they did go. I have a picture of my great grandmother in Virginia. They were from South Carolina. So my questions are, did they hire out of country to work on it, and was there a memorial in Virginia? I really feel awful having to ask this as it seems so disrespectful to my Grandmother. But, I have to find some answers. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you for your time.
So my questions are, did they hire out of country to work on it,

First of all what makes it so special that people would go over to another country to build for only one ship? H&W was building ships for many companies as other shipbuilders they had their own workers and shops or connections with other companies who build parts for them (like Hingley & Sons who build the anchors).
As H&W had his own workers and shops they did not need to hire people from other countries.

James Jenkins was an electrician and went over to Ireland to work on the Titanic, and was aboard on his way home when it sunk.

Sorry to say as he is not on any list he was not aboard.
I am afraid it is only a family story you was told, as it was the case in many other families which are not based on facts.
First of all what makes it so special that people would go over to another country to build for only one ship? H&W was building ships for many companies as other shipbuilders they had their own workers and shops or connections with other companies who build parts for them (like Hingley & Sons who build the anchors).
As H&W had his own workers and shops they did not need to hire people from other countries.

Sorry to say as he is not on any list he was not aboard.
I am afraid it is only a family story you was told, as it was the case in many other families which are not based on facts.

maybe another realtive from you
