Ttianic Hachette model 1:200, need advice on re-painting parts piece by piece


Hi all!

So, I'm looking to repaint antifouling lower hull color, funnels, engines and some other minor details. Since those are metal parts can I use spray cans from Vallejo, Molotow or Tamiya?

For antifouling these are my options, can't seem to find C-conclusion, R-revisited matching colors, the number represent what I can find in store: (Im leaning towards number 6 atm)

colors help.jpg

Also I want to repaint these wooden deck parts:

wood decks.jpg

to be more like this:
H&G decks.jpg

Now, Im completely new to painting, I need advice how to actually do it and brighten it up, since this Hachette/Agora 1:200 model has awful colors.

The parts in particular are made of thin wood veneer.

Any help would be highly appreciated! :)
This is what I used on my Trumpeter 1/200 scale.
Thanks, although it's less of a hassle to decide about antifouling color since it's more of a personal preference, 'Im more curios how I can approach to brighten those wooden deck parts. I guess repainting them would lose the details on the lines, I even considered buying yellow pine veneer and drill holes myself but I still haven't got a clue how to draw the lines on the wood to resemble real thing:
wood deck.jpg
I’m doing this exact same thing on my Agora model. I just finished stage 18. I’ve repainted most of the forecastle parts thus far, as well as forward well deck cargo holds, officers quarters skylight/cargo holds and the engines.

I’ve used multiple different sources to research correct historical colors, or as close to it as I could find as there are debates on some items still. I found a great color that closely matches the mast color on the well decks (AK Interactive light rust paint).

As for brands, I’m mixing Vallejo and Tamiya depending on the color I need. And I’m hand painting everything with a brush rather than spraying. Better for the tiny details I think.

Hope this helps- feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I’m learning as I go too. I attached a few pics of what I’ve done so far for paint mods.


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Thanks, although it's less of a hassle to decide about antifouling color since it's more of a personal preference, 'Im more curios how I can approach to brighten those wooden deck parts. I guess repainting them would lose the details on the lines, I even considered buying yellow pine veneer and drill holes myself but I still haven't got a clue how to draw the lines on the wood to resemble real thing:
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A guy on YouTube used varnish to improve the deck color so you could consider that:

I’m doing this exact same thing on my Agora model. I just finished stage 18. I’ve repainted most of the forecastle parts thus far, as well as forward well deck cargo holds, officers quarters skylight/cargo holds and the engines.

I’ve used multiple different sources to research correct historical colors, or as close to it as I could find as there are debates on some items still. I found a great color that closely matches the mast color on the well decks (AK Interactive light rust paint).

As for brands, I’m mixing Vallejo and Tamiya depending on the color I need. And I’m hand painting everything with a brush rather than spraying. Better for the tiny details I think.

Hope this helps- feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I’m learning as I go too. I attached a few pics of what I’ve done so far for paint mods.
Yeah yours looks way better than stock one. Brighter and closer to the real look.
I know there's still debate on the color for some details but at least we 100% know what's wrong :)
For example the texture on the forecastle deck is wrong, the planks are way wider and way shorter and way closer to each other on stock model.
color, textures.jpg

Obviously the wood wasnt this dark either, not a single representation of Titanic out there shows this dark wood.

Having said that, I bought the spare part and will be experimenting with bleaching the wood and maybe drawing the lines myself to have longer planks. But if that fails I will settle with wrong pattern and texture as long as I get the color right :)

There are many other things wrong as well, like funnels, engines, bollards, officer quarters windows, grand staircase etc etc colors being wrong, but this could be a fun project for modifications.

The main issue though is wood decks and antifouling color. I think they really screwed that up for such a pricey model to be honest. At least antifouling color can be easily fixed, but the wood parts will be a hassle.