U.S. Opposes RMST 2024 Salvage

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Are the myriad of people who go to exhibitions deeply offended by the artifacts they see which have been recovered from the wreck? No. RMST should be allowed to recover all the artifacts they want to before the ship collapses into an unrecognizable heap.
I've been twice to RMST exhibits. Found the artifacts fascinating to look at. Yes I paid to see them. And RMST made a few coins off me. No problem for me. Just as I had no problem paying to see The Valley of the Kings tombs, Masada, Pompeii, the Colosseum, the Louvre, the Parthenon...ect ect. If it was a dedicated war grave I would feel different. It's not. Even those are sometimes studied which ultimately results in people making money off them. Documentaries and such. Nobody is left alive from Titanic. Its archeology now.
Just to put a finer point on it, there are no human remains at the wreck site.
Yes. Nature took care of that long ago. I was speaking of the survivors who were on the ship. Artifacts removed from wreck sites even those designated as war graves sometimes occur. The University of Arizona has one of the ship's bell salvaged from the wreck and in Phoenix there is a USS Arizona memorial that has an anchor and the signal mast salvaged from the ship. Also one of her 14" gun barrels that was in the ordnance shop getting relined. So its not unprecedented that sometimes things are taken from wreck sites for display.
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We don't need a memorabilia traveling road show so a for profit company for everyone's entertainment, plenty of Olympic memorabilia for that.

Time to put everything back on the ocean floor before they go broke and it winds up sold off to pay the storage bills, and it's in someone's basement.

No more entertainment for people who loved Titanic to death.

Just once it would be great for one of these pro salvage people to say I need to be entertained by Titanic, it's about me, it's about me seeing more and more of the wreck, what it does for me.
We don't need a memorabilia traveling road show so a for profit company for everyone's entertainment, plenty of Olympic memorabilia for that.

Time to put everything back on the ocean floor before they go broke and it winds up sold off to pay the storage bills, and it's in someone's basement.

No more entertainment for people who loved Titanic to death.

Just once it would be great for one of these pro salvage people to say I need to be entertained by Titanic, it's about me, it's about me seeing more and more of the wreck, what it does for me.
I’m just glad you are not in charge of determining what I need.
We don't need a memorabilia traveling road show so a for profit company for everyone's entertainment, plenty of Olympic memorabilia for that.

Time to put everything back on the ocean floor before they go broke and it winds up sold off to pay the storage bills, and it's in someone's basement.

No more entertainment for people who loved Titanic to death.

Just once it would be great for one of these pro salvage people to say I need to be entertained by Titanic, it's about me, it's about me seeing more and more of the wreck, what it does for me.
I feel sorry for you! I doubt you live in the UK where we are constantly reminded of history everywhere we go. Castles where wars were fought, people died but they attract millions of people a year. What about Flanders and the remains & detritus of war uncovered by the plough every year? Lots goes on show in museums if well preserved enough. The main difference in regard of the RMS Titanic is the danger that everyone puts themselves in in diving to the bottom of the ocean. We really can't afford the Titanic to claim any more victims!
You are entitled to your opinion but who pays for the rescue & inquiries held afterwards? Generally the tax payer unless you're volunteering.
Here we go again, back to court, here come the grifters for more booty. Time to stop all salvage, strip this company of all rights forever and leave that ship alone.

Good golly! What started out as a fairly decent post commenting on the greed and avarice of a company ended up being a rather spiteful commentary against the person who simply made a statement that, as Ballard identified upon discovery…the Titanic site is a grave site (yes, many did get trapped in the ship and lasted for a short while at the depths) Does that mean it should not be plundered for gain..not to the vast majority of the responses.

As a pilot and aviator, let’s make a more realistic comparison rather than the monumental comparison to civilizations and focus on the fact that if this it occurred on land, it would be National Transportation Safety Board matter and regardless of the difficulty of access having people 100 years later, dig through the remains of the aircraft for momentos to put on display to charge people to see it…is simply in my opinion, rather bad form. I believe this was the point attempted to being made in the comment that originated on this platform.
So should wrecks like the Mary Rose and Vasa not have been salvaged? People died in the Costa Concordia sinking, should that have been left "as a gravesite" until it rusted away and its fuel oil polluted the nearby beaches? It the time that has passed since the 1012 sinking, the ocean, and the fauna & flora that inhabit it has seen all traces of human flesh & bone disappear from the wreck and its debris field. I would gladly pay to see artefacts rescued from the ship rather than them being lost to history for ever.
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