Unknown objects on Bridge

When pouring over my Titanic documents for the 1000th time, I noticed some unfamiliar objects on the bridge.
These are a strange white circle by the forward wheel, and two black switches possible directly in front of the wheel, under the middle window.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
All Ahead Full!
Shane N. Worthy
Hi Shane!

Forgive me if I misunderstood, but the white round object might be part of the windows. In 1911, Thomas Andrews recorded some comments of Captain Smith's. Smith strongly recommended that 'protection' windows with round bull's eye lights be installed on the bridge, as with the Adriatic which I understand had a similar arrangement.

Best regards,

the dark circles Shane's referring to are the two whistle controller mechanisms on the forward inside bridge wall. The white circle is indeed the bull's eye portion of the protection window sliders
It may very well have been the hole in the window covers, which are round.
Try the following link to see the picture I refer to. The white circle is at the right side base of the wheel, above the steering stand. If the link does not work, got to www.Titanic-online.com and go to the Bridge at THE SHIP section.
I also found out that the switches were whistle controllers!
All Ahead Full!
Shane N. Worthy
Hi Dan!

Yes, the white circle 'bull's eye'. I agree.

Hi Shane!

I see the picture. However, I don't agree that the white circles are too low to be the 'bull's eye' portion of the protection windows -- after all, they were there for protection when needed. You wouldn't want to have them up all the time.

Best wishes,

Not the one behind the binnacle.
The one right directly under the wheel.
That is the one we are looking at, right?
If it was the bull's eye, wouldn't it be up around the center of the wheel? It looks like a white dot sitting on the floor...
Shane N. Worthy
Not white circles with an "s". Just the lone white dot at the direct bottom of the wheel.
I completely see and understand the other bull's eyes.
Hi Shane!

Yes, I appreciate the other bull's eyes. I misunderstood the second part.

But surely the latter is just an illusion? Just part of the stand in the light, circular but not seperate.

Best regards,

Hi Shane!

I mean that I misunderstood that it was something seperate. It's the time of day, I'm not with it at 8 o'clock in the evening anymore. Later is a better time!

I don't think it's a blotch as such, just part of the stand. But it's really not something I can look at, other than the bull's eye lights.

Best wishes,

8 o'clock?
Wow, it's late in England.
It's only 1:01 here in Arizona, USA. Good afternoon research!
Anyway, whenever your up to it and awake, just email me privately and we can discuss this matter further.
All Ahead Full!
Shane N. Worthy
p.s. Your Britannic bridge article was quite a nice read! Very interesting stuff. I my self have never really delved into the Britannic, since I hear it's so much different than the Olympic and Titanic.
What you are seeing is the brass hood of the binnacle which has been laid next to the binnacle at the deck level. Something in the area is causing a reflection off of the viewing cover.

Awesome Bruce!
Now that you say it, I see it. I don't know why I never noticed that the top of the binnacle is completely missing!
All Ahead Full!
Shane N. Worthy
Are some of the telegraphs marked wrong in the picture? Isn't the 2nd one from the starboard side the emergency telegraphs, the docking and steering telegraphs the one just to the port side of the wheel, and the telegraphs on the far port side the second pair of main engine telegraphs?