Vera Morrison's BBC Newsline interview

Hello, I know this is an older thread but as anyone made out or have a copy of the letter he wrote that is mentioned in this interview?

Thank you
Hello, I know this is an older thread but as anyone made out or have a copy of the letter he wrote that is mentioned in this interview?
Here you go:
Friday, 25th of March 1905

My Dear Nellie,

I cannot tell you how much it grieves me to feel that I frightened you or gave you any annoyance last night.

Had I for one moment thought that we did not understand each other all these years since we first meet and that you did not love me, as I felt sure, and was lead to believe you did both your and my friend and relations, I would never have placed you in such an awkward position as I did.

I hope you’ll accept my proposed as it would have been awful to have been refused by the one I love so much. If you only want my friendship never do reply to this letter. Would justify me in you to be my wife is my ideal dream. You acted wisely when you had any doubt. I am alone to blame for the position you are in.

God Bless you dear and don’t do anything that you think your Mother, sister + brothers, would not approve of, otherwise I could never look them straight in the face again.

Your ever affectionate and loving friend,

Thomas Andrews Jnr.