Victim #24 - Bertram Terrell?

The description of body number 24 is that it was a estimated 20 years old male, sailor, the only sailor who fits this description perfectly is Mr Bertram Terrell, 20 years old Able Seaman, is this the only possibility for that body or is there another possibility that i haven't seen?? also would the sailors and the stewards have worn the same clothing or not as this would make my identification quest easier
Thanks guys
Matteo :)
The deckhands were not required to wear a uniform. Some wore a White Star Line cap, which would have been lost in the water. And many wore a blue jersey decorated with the name of the shipping line. Body 24 was wearing a blue jersey, but there's no suggestion of any lettering. Maybe the body was assumed to be a seaman because he was dressed in the kind of ordinary clothing that a deckhand would wear. But it was also the kind that anyone might wear if they'd just got out of bed and pulled on something warm to go up on deck and see what was happening. So he could have been a passenger; maybe it was assumed that he wasn't because he was carrying no papers, money or anything of value. But if he expected to be back in his cabin in a few minutes he'd have no reason to take such things with him. Not enough really to say he was definitely a seaman, but if he was then Terrell certainly would be the most likely contender.
Didn't know they didn't need a uniform, ah right i see what you mean, would the blue jersey not have had White Star Line printed on it in order for passengers to tell the Deck Crew apart from the passengers and stewards?? Yeah i can see that being possible, would there be any other contenders?? for example 24 year old Mr James Paul Moody, but then i guess he would have worn seperate clothes to the ordinary deck crew, one last question do you know if the stewards would have worn seperate clothing to the deck crew or if it would have been the same??
Thanks Bob for the information you have given me
Matteo :)
The deck officers would have been wearing their uniform jackets or overcoats because it was important that they could be seen to be officers. The stewards all had distinctive uniforms and since they'd been ordered to report for duty they would have been wearing them. But as I said above there were other crew members, and certainly plenty of passengers, who might have jumped out of their bunks and pulled on some basic warm clothing before going up into the cold air to see what was happening after the collision. The fact that this one was not wearing socks suggests that he had got out of bed and dressed in a hurry. So if he was a seaman it's not likely he was on watch at the time of the collision. Too many contenders, I'm afraid. If the inventory had stated 'blue jumper with White Star Line lettering' then we'd know for sure he was a seaman, but I'm guessing it didn't have any markings or he wouldn't have been listed as just probably a seaman - there would have been no doubt at all.
That what i thought but i guess there is always the possibility that Moody could have lost the overcoat as the ship sank, ah right, would the uniforms have been the distinctive plain white ones that are shown in so many films like James Cameron's Titanic?? Yeah, ha ha i'm pretty sure if I had to report to duty quickly socks wouldn't be the first thing on my mind, do you think they told the Deck Crew that the ship was going to sink?? Yeah i guess there are, yeah identification would have been easier, probably not, those men whose bodies were listed as Firemen do you think the clothing they were wearing would have had a White Star Line emblem or something on them because they could have just been passengers who rushed out of the sinking ship wearing barely anything and died quickly?? :)
Yes, Moody could have lost his uniform coat. And then he could have painted his trousers green? You're clutching at straws, Matteo. :)

Seriously, if you want to try this sort of detective work it's best to look for a body which is still unidentified but offers lots of possible clues. Those that had no no distinctive clothing, no other effects at all and no id marks of any kind are not going to deliver.
something tells me losing his coat is more likely, clutching at straws?? not good with these phrases, the notes that say things like had a tattoo of something or other is there anywhere where you can see possibilities of who may have what is listed?? guess this is a bit pointless ey
Thanks though
Matteo :)