Viking Sky disabled

The " Viking Sky" suffered an engine casualty and is adrift off the coast of the Stad Peninsula near Trondheim with 1,300 souls aboard. 100 rescued by airlift with the anchors holding; 70km/h sustained winds and 8 metre seas with the cruise ship 2 km off a rock coast.
S.Hava on Twitter

Here's a short video clip of the salvor working her off the coast. She was successfully brought into port with approximately 860 passengers still aboard, 438 having been airlifted off before it was clear she could be saved, the operation taking 18 hours.
Came here to start a thread about this but been beaten to it!

Anyone have any theories why they would loose all 4 main engines? Was the storm itself a factor, the rolling causing loss of oil pressure or something or was it just bad timing caused by an unrelated issue?
One thing for sure on Viking Sky it proved in those weather condition lifeboats launching becomes impossible! Will there be new legal rules to make lifeboats launchable in those condition?
Or is there a market for helicopter lifeboats?
viking sky and the other ship in the drama hagland captain
The ship lost all electrical power including backups, so the lifeboats could not be launched. There was at least one passenger with a broken neck, but even they survived being airlifted and are in medical care. They would have abandoned ship by the boats if electrical power had been available to launch them. As it was, if the anchors hadn't held, she certainly would have been lost... Though that's the story of many a ship that loses power in a storm.
Interesting most of the footage online shows the power being on. Perhaps they were able to restore it in pretty short order.
Eh, it was an interview with a crewman that I was taking that info from. I think the ship has Integrated Electric Propulsion and if it's just lighting, that might be emergency batteries--though you'd hope the lifeboats had some source of emergency power too.
Yes diesel electric if the Wikipedia page is anything to go by. 2 shafts with 4 main generators that apparently provide power for propulsion and hotel load. Though one would assume there would be a couple of emergency gensets in there somewhere as well.

My guess would be shutdown due to loss of oil pressure due to the extreme rolling, but I'm sure we'll get the offical word soon enough.