Hi all;

I'll be on a cruise in about 2 months, with a stop in Halifax. Obviously, the Titanic cemeteries are at the top of my list. Any advice from those who've been there before?

First question....the shore excursion organized by the cruise line only stops at Fairview Lawn. Should I take the time and explore on my own, visiting all three cemeteries?
If I do go on my own, what's the best way to get around Halifax?

Second....I understand Baron de Hirsch is a private cemetery. Has anyone managed to visit there?
(A 2003 post mentions an entrance "at the back along the fence". Anyone tried this?)

Last....how much time does a shore excursion spend at Fairview Lawn?

Thanks very much.
Hi Larry,

First question....the shore excursion organized by the cruise line only stops at Fairview Lawn. Should I take the time and explore on my own, visiting all three cemeteries?
If you have the time, then yes I recommend it.

If I do go on my own, what's the best way to get around Halifax?
The best ways to get around Halifax are by foot or by bus. Halifax has hilly terrain but despite that, it is very walkable. I recommend a lot of stamina and sturdy walking shoes. You can also rely on Metro Transit, which operates buses throughout the city.

Second....I understand Baron de Hirsch is a private cemetery. Has anyone managed to visit there?
Yes I have, although I was with a group as it was a Titanic convention. You would need to make arrangements to visit the cemetery. Here is the contact information: Contact | Beth Israel Synagogue

(A 2003 post mentions an entrance "at the back along the fence". Anyone tried this?)
No I haven't, so I can't speak to that.

I would also recommend if you can, to pick up a copy of the book "Titanic Halifax A Guide to Sites". It features maps and photographs of the many Titanic sites in the city. It is a perfect companion to discovering the connections, that Halifax has to the great ship. Titanic Halifax (2nd edition) - Nimbus Publishing and Vagrant Press

Last....how much time does a shore excursion spend at Fairview Lawn?
Approximately an hour to an hour and a half.

I hope this helps.
I spent several days in Halifax quite a few years ago. Group tours will usually visit photogenic spots, like Peggy's Cove, which itself will eat up a couple of hours. I like Jason's idea of using public transit to hit the points you are most interested in. In addtion to the Titanic spots, there are various museums with a nautical flavor. The whole Halifax area's population is about 400,000 - and it didn't even feel that large to me. In my rather ancient experience, I found the populace to be very friendly and helpful. I do recall that on Sundays, they essentially "roll up the streets," but maybe they have shed some of that "New Scotland" rigidity? After you return, please post a review of your visit.
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We will be spending a day in Halifax in October 2023 and I would like to do a "Titanic tour". There are a few on the webpages. Any recommendations?

Thank you.
Hi David,

There are many Titanic sites in and around Halifax. Visiting the three cemeteries (Fairview, Baron de Hirsch and Mount Olivet) is a must. If you wish to visit Baron de Hirsch, you need to make an appointment in advance. Here is the contact information: Contact | Beth Israel Synagogue

Also, the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic is recommended. I would also recommend visiting the Naval Dockyard at Barrington and Upper Water Streets as that is where the Mackay-Bennett docked to offload the 190 bodies, before they were taken to the cemeteries.

I would also highly recommend if you can, to pick up a copy of the book "Titanic Halifax A Guide to Sites". It features maps and photographs of the many Titanic sites in the city. It is a perfect companion to discovering the connections, that Halifax has to the great ship.
Titanic Halifax (2nd edition) - Nimbus Publishing and Vagrant Press

As well, there currently is a Titanic exhibit titled Titanic & Iceberg at 1883 Upper Water Street which is in between the Maritime Museum and the Dockyard. The exhibit is open from 9:30 am-6 pm seven days a week and runs until next October.