Walter John van Billiard

I was doing some research and thought that Body 1 might actually be Filip Oscar Asplund. The physical description matches more than it does for van Billiard, who seems to be dark-haired in the one photo there is of him (he also seems a little young for someone identified as 10-12 years old, but I digress).
Also, the A on the handkerchiefs would make sense, because his last name is Asplund. Finally, he was Swedish, which has an alphabet that is almost identical to Danish, and I doubt the boat who picked him up had anybody who could tell the difference. The fact that it is a Danish coin is unexplainable, but it's possible it was actually Swedish and was just mistaken for Danish. It's also fairly plausible that a Swedish immigrant would have Danish coins anyway, since the two countries are fairly close.
Also, I don't know if this strengthens the argument, but the boy's father was found nearby, and I've noticed that clumps of family members seemed to be found together, likely because they jumped/went in the water at the same time. Maybe this happened with Filip and his father Carl?