Was the Hull near G-Deck damaged?

Was the Hull near G-Deck, (for example, the Mail Room) damaged in the collision? As soon, or immediately after, the Mail Room was reported to be flooding, and as we know, the Mail Clerks began to try to drag the mailbags up to Higher Ground.

Being the closest Deck to the top of the waterline, is it possible for G-Deck to be damaged during the Iceberg Collision?
Was the Hull near G-Deck, (for example, the Mail Room) damaged in the collision? As soon, or immediately after, the Mail Room was reported to be flooding, and as we know, the Mail Clerks began to try to drag the mailbags up to Higher Ground.

Being the closest Deck to the top of the waterline, is it possible for G-Deck to be damaged during the Iceberg Collision?
It was on the Orlop deck against the ship's starboard side, which is below the waterline at the very bottom, so it's possible. I haven't heard any accounts from mail clerks to say that it was actually coming into the space though the sides, though the mailbags were said to be floating.
It was on the Orlop deck against the ship's starboard side, which is below the waterline at the very bottom, so it's possible. I haven't heard any accounts from mail clerks to say that it was actually coming into the space though the sides, though the mailbags were said to be floating.
My mistake, I thought there was one section of the office on G-Deck, then another on Orlop? That’s what the deck plans say.

Is there any evidence on the wreck?

anyway, thanks. Sadly I don’t think any of the clerks survived.
It looks like the holes they found were on this diagram
from a show. If this helps any. I can't remember if they mentioned it being in the mail room. In the mail hold on the orlop deck probably and perhaps further forward and slightly above the mail room? Try this documentary where this image originated.