What happened afterwards

Just saw Titanic movie recently and loved in despite some innacurcies! Was wondering what happened to the characters after the sinking? Wonder if either Richard or Norman might have survived and if Annette and Giff did stay together?? Or what happened to Julia? Any one got any ideas...might be fun to speculate??!
Richard and Norman died.
Annette and Giff found each other on the Carpathia and courted for a while, but she dumped him because she wanted European high-brow life and he's meat and potatoes.
Julia retreated to Michigan and stayed there.
Richard and Norman died trying to swim to safety -victims of hypothermia. Bodies never recovered.

Memorial marker in cemetery in Cedar Rapids placed by Gifford , Annette and Julia.

Annette and Gifford married soon after return to the states. Gifford graduated magna cum laude from Purdue and was a successful mechanical and electrical engineer at Quaker Oats plant in Cedar Rapids. Met and worked on many projects with Ben Calvert.

(As a teen-ager, Ben was active in early ham radio and claimed to have heard the Titanic's CQD/SOS signals one Sunday afternoon in 1912 in Cedar Rapids due to rare "skip" conditions. Ben claimed to have taught a young Arthur Collins how to send and receive Morse code and build radios. Arthur Collins was later licensed as W0CXX and founder of Collins Radio Company, builders of "The Cadillacs of Ham Radio.")

On the maiden voyage of the RMS Queen Mary in 1936 they traveled with Ben and Rose (nee' De Witt-Bukater) Calvert. Annette and Rose were a bit nervous, but Ben and Giff calmed their fears and they enjoyed the voyage despite some rough weather.

Ben and Rose Calvert visited Hollywood in 1938 and met Gloria Stuart with Shirley Temple on the set of "Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farms". Rose advised and encouraged Gloria to keep on acting as long as she was able.

Julia returned to Mackinac, Michigan and never remarried, but was a doting Grandmother...Annette and Gifford and the grandchildren (Norman and Richard )visited every summer and Christmas until her death in 1966 at the age of 94.

So much for my contribution to science-fiction. LOL.
....And "the rest of the story".

Rose Calvert died peacefully in her sleep in her bed in a cabin on the Keldysh. She had a smile on her face when her body was discovered the next morning. Her body was buried at sea over the wreck site.

Rose's grand-daughter , Elizabeth Rose "Lizzie" Calvert , married Brock Marmaduke Lovett. Ceremony was performed aboard Keldysh. Lewis Bodine was the Best Man.

And Gifford and Annette lived happily ever after.
Julia and Anette never recovered from the sinking. Julia's grief over the death of her husband and son and Anette's grief over the death of her boyfriend made them so sad, that they were thrown into an insane asylum when they refused to testify at the hearings. They were later released a month later.

They both died in December 1912, just like Col. Gracie, from never recovering from the sinking.

In 1987, Dirk Pitt discovered the wreck of the Titanic and raised it. It is now a museum ship docked in Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota.
Julia and Anette never recovered from the sinking. Julia's grief over the death of her husband and son and Anette's grief over the death of her boyfriend made them so sad, that they were thrown into an insane asylum when they refused to testify at the hearings. They were later released a month later.

They both died in December 1912, just like Col. Gracie, from never recovering from the sinking.

In 1987, Dirk Pitt discovered the wreck of the Titanic and raised it. It is now a museum ship docked in Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota.
This is quite an old thread. But I beg to differ.
But as I remarked, Gifford lived. As a matter of fact , Robert Wagner (who played Gifford Rogers in the movie) and the real Gifford Rogers are now getting on in years and formed a great friendship during the making of the film and get together evey year on the 15th of April.
The record of the Purdue Tennis Team and a report of their games and Gifford's ticket on the Titanic is part of the displays on the Titanic at that Museum in Minnesota.
Julia and Anette never recovered from the sinking. Julia's grief over the death of her husband and son and Anette's grief over the death of her boyfriend made them so sad, that they were thrown into an insane asylum when they refused to testify at the hearings. They were later released a month later.

They both died in December 1912, just like Col. Gracie, from never recovering from the sinking.

In 1987, Dirk Pitt discovered the wreck of the Titanic and raised it. It is now a museum ship docked in Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota.

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin wanted to have the Titanic moved to Lake Wissota.
But they were outbid by the place at Lake Mille Lacs.
But there is a Memorial and a statue of Jack in the "King Of The World" pose with Fabrizio overlooking Lake Wissota.