Question What is THAT alongside the forward mast...and where is it actually located?


Professional Model Builder
So I was watching the first few minutes of the "1912 History" version of Cameron's "Titanic", doing what I usually do (scrutinizing details)...blissful in the absence of Jack and Rose... and I noticed a new detail I had never been aware of...

In the scene where Lowe is handing Captain Smith a cup o'tea on the starboard bridge wing (after the feel-good porpoise shots) and the camera pans forward over the fo'c'sle, I see a vent or exhaust pipe leading upwards just a foot or so to PORT and just slightly ASTERN of the forward mast. It looks to be about 25 ft tall, maybe a foot in diameter (excluding the larger base) with a smaller diameter, crooked "cap" pipe on top and supported by 2 braces attaching it to the foremast.
What is it?
Exhaust from the below-deck steam windlass?

Now for further mystery...
In the following bow-to-stern pan shot, (see attached cap) which sweeps over the ship like a drone... you can clearly see the pipe has magically moved not only to the STARBOARD side, but also FORWARD of the foremast...!
I get that it's just an editing/flow glitch... one of several "oops!" moments... and the fact that the fo'c'sle had been "flipped"....but "flipping" just moves things from left-to-right... it doesn't explain how the pipe also moved FORWARD of the foremast. Where does it truly belong? Port/stbd? Fwd/aft?


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In the scene where Lowe is handing Captain Smith a cup o'tea on the starboard bridge wing (after the feel-good porpoise shots) and the camera pans forward over the fo'c'sle, I see a vent or exhaust pipe leading upwards just a foot or so to PORT and just slightly ASTERN of the forward mast. It looks to be about 25 ft tall, maybe a foot in diameter (excluding the larger base) with a smaller diameter, crooked "cap" pipe on top and supported by 2 braces attaching it to the foremast.
What is it?
Exhaust from the below-deck steam windlass?

Now for further mystery...
In the following bow-to-stern pan shot, (see attached cap) which sweeps over the ship like a drone... you can clearly see the pipe has magically moved not only to the STARBOARD side, but also FORWARD of the foremast...!
I get that it's just an editing/flow glitch... one of several "oops!" moments... and the fact that the fo'c'sle had been "flipped"....but "flipping" just moves things from left-to-right... it doesn't explain how the pipe also moved FORWARD of the foremast. Where does it truly belong? Port/stbd? Fwd/aft?
It's a skylight which provided light and air to the Crew's Galley below. There is a plan of the Forecastle Deck in "TITANIC The Ship Magnificent Volume Two: Interior Design and Fitting Out", on page 296. On the following page, there is an actual photo of Titanic's Forecastle Deck that shows the skylight was actually on the port side, contrary to the movie.
Jason, thanks...
I wasn't referring to the skylight... but the pipe seen running skywards, about 25 feet tall from very near the foremast base.

Perhaps the label "crew skylight" on the picture misleads you about what I'm asking... I got it from somewhere else, sorry.
My bad.

Allow me to try attaching a cropped version of the picture, isolating it a little better...
It is seen in the attached picture parallel to the foremast and also the (stowed) cargo boom. Would that be galley exhaust/smokejack? (a "Charlie Noble", as we called it in the US Navy)?
I still find even THAT a little odd... as the placement so near the foot of the foremast puts it directly overhead either the crews' surgery or galley storeroom just below the fo'c'sle, on C Deck, and somewhere between frames 104 and 107, within a few feet of the ships' centerline and entrance to the crow's nest ladder, according to my deck plans.
On the other hand, the crew galley ranges and boilers are 20-30 feet further outboard. Running exhaust "sideways" ie traversing ceiling and decks is a HUGE (and ancient) maritime engineering no-no... just begging for the eventual fire to break out.
On the OTHER other hand, LOL... the skylight (by plans) appears to be directly over the galley ranges.
There is NO mention or indication of this mystery vent/pipe/exhaust whatevertheheckitis in the plans, either ... nothing on B or C Deck.
THERE IS, however, some kind of fan(?) machinery one deck further down (D Deck), just below the galley storeroom on C Deck...
Yet on C Deck there is already a fan, fan room and supply vent (on the fo'c'sle)...
Finally, ALL other vents, winches, deck protuberances, etc... are clearly marked on the plans I
have for all weather decks, from the raised roof over the lounge(s) to the well deck areas... but not a hint of this "thing".
I will attempt to take yet another picture of it off my TV screen, from the 1912 History version... which is not only reversed to the "correct" aspect, but shows our mystery thing in far better light... (stands out like a sore thumb, to be honest).


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I wasn't referring to the skylight... but the pipe seen running skywards, about 25 feet tall from very near the foremast base.

Perhaps the label "crew skylight" on the picture misleads you about what I'm asking... I got it from somewhere else, sorry.
My bad.
No worries, I misunderstood your original question. I see what you are referring to now, but am not sure exactly what it is. I don't see anything in TTSM and you're right, the plans do not indicate as to what it is.

There is NO mention or indication of this mystery vent/pipe/exhaust whatevertheheckitis in the plans, either ... nothing on B or C Deck.
THERE IS, however, some kind of fan(?) machinery one deck further down (D Deck), just below the galley storeroom on C Deck...
Yes I've noticed that as well. I am just as stumped and curious, as you are. Good question you've raised. I'll keep searching and may ask around, unless someone else beats me to it.
I don't know what it is, but you can see it in this photo. That photo where it looks like it is on the other side is a reversed shot. Hollywood loves to do that.

All... I am resolved to suppose this is the galley flue for the crew's galley, although it is some distance away from the galley. Strange that it doesn;t show up in any deck plans I have for the fo'c'sle, although all other deck penetrations and equipment are notated.
I also don;t recall this detail being included on models I've built or seen... although these were much earlier in my youth.
Thank you all!