Who are the surviving passengers on this photo

Hi everyone,

Who knows who the people are on the photo on page 172 of "The Titanic Disaster - As reported in the British National Press April - July 1912.

They are third class passengers of Titanic. Could the boy standing on the front is Johan Cervin Svensson or is he a crew member of the Carpathia?


Hi All,

On a German web-site I have found the following information. I have some doubt of this information is correct. The doubtfully information I have placed between ().

Mrs. F.M. Warren, was named as Anna Sofia (Bates) Atkinson. On the side her husband was placed with her in lifeboat 5, but that's wrong, he died.

Mrs. A.A. Dick, was named as Vera (Agnes) Gillespie.

Mrs. T. Davidson, was named as Orian (Scott) Hays.

Mrs. Washington Dodge, was named as Ruth Vidaver (Fontaine).

Mrs. Frauenthal, was named as Clara Heinsheimer (Roger).

Mrs. Stone, was named as Martha Evelyn (Harrington).

Mrs. Gibson, was named as Pauline C. Boeson (Brown).

Mrs. Doling, was named as Ada Julia (Elizabeth) Bone. And she and Miss Doling were placed in (lifeboat 9).

Mrs. W.H. Trout, was named as Jessie L. (Bruce).

Mrs. Becker, was named as Nellie (Eliza) Baumgardner.

Eliina Honkanen is placed in lifeboat 13. ? And was named as Mrs.

Miss Shine was placed in lifeboat 2?

Mrs. Bystrom was placed in lifeboat 10?

Mrs. Nasser was placed in lifeboat 12?



I have some thinks left out in my first posting.

Miss Osman was placed in lifeboat 15?

Mr. Hartnell was places in lifeboat 8 and not in lifeboat 11.

Mr. Dore was placed in lifeboat 15?

Miss Landegren, was named as Mrs.

Mr. Ibrahim Shawah Youssef was placed in lifeboat 2, but we know that he died.

Mrs. Assaf was named as Miss Assaf.

Mr. Pelham is placed in lifeboat 8 and not in lifeboat 16.

Dr. Washington (Henry) Dodge.


Hildo, I'm not a lifeboat person and rely totally on what others have determined so can't speak to that issue. However, the other information on the passengers appears to be correct other than the fact that Dr. Dodge was born Henry Washington Dodge instead of Washington Henry Dodge. Several of the women had been married to other husbands prior to Titanic.
Dear Phillip,

Thanks for the information. So I can put the information with the exception of the boats as correct information.

The women who had been married to other husbands prior to Titanic, where they: Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. Frauenthal and Mrs. Gibson?


And are you referring to a specific photo when you mention Washington Dodge? If so, which one? I would be very interested in this as he was in #13.

Best regards,
Unless I am mistaken, Dr Dodge was first married to a Fontaine- a sugar baroness- they had a child, Henry(Harry) who was not on the ship. His second marriage was Ruth's first- they had one child, my grandfather, Washington Dodge
Hi Jennifer--I believe that Washington Dodge, Sr., (born Henry Washington Dodge according to his Last Will and Testament), was first married to a Miss Lampson and had Harry. Ruth Vidaver had first been married to a Fontaine and had a daughter Vida, later Mrs. Payne. Your grandfather then was the only child of their marriage together.

I hope you can join us for dinner in March--have some interesting items I've accumulated that you might enjoy seeing and I'm sure you have some that would keep me "riveted." Where are you in N.C.?

My best,
The 1900 California census - San Francisco County lists Washington H. Dodge with three children:
Royal L.(son) born in Oct 1885 in California, Gladys Dodge (daughter) born in July 1886 in California and Henry W. (son) born Nov 1891 in California. The mother is Alice L. born in 1868 in California. Washington H. is listed as being born in June 1859 in California.
Washington Dodge married Mrs. Alice Lampson Shepherd in February of 1891--the children Royal L. and Gladys were not Dodge children (they were apparently Alice's by Mr. Shepherd)--although they were enumerated that way on the census. Henry W. was the only child born to Washington by Alice.