Who Are These 1st Class Titanic Survivors

I was going through the Corbis website after typing in Titanic and came across this picture taken of some survivors of the disaster. The caption below the picture read: "Titanic Survivors After They Left the Carpathia
Original caption: Picture shows a group of Titanic survivors after they left the Carpathia."

I for one have never saw this picture before, does anyone know who the people in the picture are?

Yeah i figured they were First Class but i'm not sure who they are lol. The womans face is a tad blured so it may be hard to tell. Sonja have u ever saw this picture before? When i came across it, it was the first time i ever saw it. Wish i knew who they were lol. Any guesses who they could be?

I've seen it before but never with a caption that identifies anybody. I reckon only the woman is a survivor, the others being people who have come to meet her or are trying to interview her.
The lady in the center of the photo is old; my guess would be that she resembles the photographs of Martha Evelyn Stone, who was about sixty-two when the Titanic sank. But again, that's just a wild guess.

Thanx for your input, was beginning to think no one knew who they were. I'll have to look for some pictures of her now. Thanks for your input.


Going by the people around her, she might be Mrs. Baxter. There was another photo of her daughter, Mrs. Douglas and Berthe Maine with similar men escorting the two ladies.

Hi Adam!

Daniel could also be right, because (now that I look at it) the old woman does seem to resemble Mrs. Jim Baxter. But the pictures of Martha Stone (posted under her summary) also seem to fit. I suppose we can only guess at this point. Perhaps someone has a definite answer? Hopefully we may know in the future for sure. : )

I looked over some pictures here of Martha Stone and they do look similar. BUT Mrs. Helene Baxter also look similar. But who knows lol need to do some more digging. Thanks again for you input Jeffrey and Daniel! Daniel do you know where i can find that similar picture of Mrs. Douglas and Bethe Maine?
