Who do you think is the best looking Smith

Hey, I know ive asked this, but sinced no one payed attention ill try one more time. Which movie do you think potrays Captain Smith the best as fair as looks and personality?
hello, i replied to your previous question, but it was only yesterday i believe when i joined the message board. i would have to answer ANTR
that movie portrayed everybody the most accurately as near as i can tell.
Without question.....

The Captain Smith from ANTR hands down...best looker of the part.....
However, Ismay looked somewhat the yutz in that movie...not authoritative looking at all.

The Criterion Collection DVD of ANTR is sprinkled with all kinds of neato stuff, it's a bit pricey but the only one that I see out right now....will be added to my collection soon.

Hi Adam,

Just an aside, but, if I were Smith, I think I might very well have looked that way myself that night!

Otherwise - I agree that the 'ANTR Smith' was probably the best. I also happen to think that the ANTR Andrews was "right on the button".

As for Ismay - I feel that there was a motive to make him look 'the yutz' (lovely woid, Bill!) in ANTR - rightly or wrongly.

Best looker for the part? Well, there's this little Swedish gal in steerage in ............

John M
Adam said: "I thought Cameron had an exellent Ismay an Andrews but his Smith seemed dazed and not knowing what was going on at all."

I agree with John on this. On that fateful night, Smith was dazed because he couldn't believe what was happening to his ship and he had never been in a situation like that before.

I also agree that the ANTR Smith was the best. Andrews was terrific, but Ismay was the exact opposite.

Best regards,

Dan said: I dunno. Cook could pass for a fairly convincing Capt. Smith...

You're right, Dan. I forgot about Cook!

Best regards,

Thanks Dan and Jay - nice compliment there. You should see me without the beard. I look more like Rigel.

Best regards to you both,
>>Hey, I know ive asked this, but sinced no one payed attention ill try one more time. Which movie do you think potrays Captain Smith the best as fair as looks and personality?<<

I've also answered this in a previous post, but IMO:

Bernard Fox in "Titanic (1997)" Best physical appearance.

Lawrence Naismith in "A Night To Remember (1958)"
Physical appearance OK as long as he keeps his hat on IMO :)Probably the best from acting standpoint.

Bryan Aherne in "Titanic (1953)" ....Also ran in all departments.As mentioned in the commentary, a rather moody portrayal.
And then there's that fictional insert about "The flag from the Old Star of Madagascar." And the absence of Ismay and Andrews.
"Bernard Fox in "Titanic (1997)" Best physical appearance. "

Whoops Robert! It's Bernard Hill who plays EJ. IMHO Lawrence Naismith is the 'best' EJ. I do remember reading somewhere that when the real EJ's daughter met Naismith on the set of ANTR she was struck by the physical similarity to her father. Naismith demonstrates 'grace under pressure'. I believe he did serve in the Merchant Navy as a youth. Just take a look at his facial reactions as he returns to the wheelhouse for the last time. And have you seen him in The Amazing Mr Blunden?
Whoops John !-

My error.

As Sherlock would have put it "The Case of the Two Bernards. Or a Case of Mistaken Identity."

I believe it was Bernard Fox who played Colonel Archibald Gracie in the 1997 version of "Titanic" and it was Bernard Fox who also played Frederick Fleet in the 1958 version of "A Night to Remember" ?

However....I'm still of the opinion that Naismith is more convincing with his hat on his head! :)

>>when the real EJ's daughter met Naismith on the set of ANTR she was struck by the physical similarity to her father.<<
This comment is included on "The Making Of A Night To Remember" on the "extra material" on the ANTR DVD.
I'd have to agree that the ANTR Capt. Smith was by far the best. Bernard Hill did an excellent job and looked very much like the real Capt. Smith, but as far as voice, mannerisms, etc, ANTR's Captain Smith fit the bill. I could be wrong though, I never met the real man in real life.