Who is the woman in the gymnasium

Looks like the original post (and topic) of this was lost the other day during the site re-indexing. But, I discovered my response post--also lost from the message board per se--preserved via the email copy, so I'm re-posting it:


Hi, Andrew. By implication, if not outright allegation, Beesley himself tells us it was definitely not a passenger. From p. 8, "The Loss of the S.S. Titanic", by Lawrence Beesley:

"Between the time of going on board and sailing, I inspected, in the company of two friends who had come from Exeter to see me off, the various decks, dining-saloons, and libraries; ... We wandered casually into the gymnasium on the boat deck, and were engaged in bicycle exercise when the instructor came in with two photographers and insisted on our remaining there while his friends--as we thought at the time--made a record for him of his apparatus in use. ..."

Were the Drews accompanying Beesley prior to departure? Also, isn't Pat Cook working on an annotated version of Beesley's book (see ET Research)? He might know precisely.

You do mean the "bicycles" photo, right?

I've spoken to Cook about this, he doesn't know the identity of the lady. She was one of Beesley's friends and was not a passenger, she left the ship when the whistle was sounded for all friends ashore.

I have a thought, if we were able to check the records of who stayed in the White Swan Hotel the night before, we might find Beesley's name listed next to two others, thus the identity of the woman may be revealed.

Hey guys,

Sorry to be late in coming to the party.

Daniel is correct - I do believe the woman was a friend of Beesley's (I remember seeing someplace where she was identified as Maggie Brown!) However, this is, at best, an assumption. Lawrence's description is so detailed on this point we are led to this assumption, however.

JJ, this is the first I had heard of the Drews accompanying Beesley. Can you tell me where you found this?

One thing, Daniel - according to Lawrence's description of his hotel (but mainly according to Geoffrey Marcus) Beesley stayed at the SouthWestern hotel.

Hope this is of some help.

Best regards,
Hi, Pat. My reference to the Drews was actually just a follow-up question based on the original post that was lost. Andrew, who wrote the deleted piece, had said something to the effect that HE thought it might be one of the Drews in the photo. (Sorry, I can't quite recall his exact wording. I do remember him saying something--in connection with his conjecture--about the Drews being allowed to tour the ship before its departure.)

So really I was just following up on Andrew's surmise. Myself, I haven't got a clue to the identity of the individual who was actually in the photo with Beesley. I only responded to the post because I recalled seeing that quote in Beesley's book about the incident, and felt I could locate it fairly easily. Not knowing who the Drews were, I thought perhaps Andrew might be right, IF the Drews were "the friends from Exeter" who were seeing Beesley off.

Probably, if Andrew could re-post the original this would all be much clearer. Andrew?

Also, Pat, I liked your ET Research article very much! Have you progressed in your efforts towards publication of an "annotated Beesley"? It sounds like a marvelous idea!

My best,
Hey JJ,

Thanks for you very nice compliments!

In regards to the publication of the work, I haven't done anything along these lines as yet - so many holes to fill, so many places to look, with the project. However, I believe next year I'll begin 'feeling the waters'. I know that right now the market is flooded with Titanic-related books so, frankly, I'm looking at a pretty tough market (as if it's not tough normally). I'm in hopes of contacting a firm that's already printing up his book with an eye to adding this as a supplement. Believe me, if and when it goes to press, I will post it loud and clear!

Thanks again, O M

Best regards,
Pat, Yes I did mean the South Western Hotel, frankly I have no idea where the White Swan came from, I guess I just totally blanked out about the name and posted the first thing that came to mind ... sorry! It'd still be interesting to check the records for the 'South Western Hotel'.

To Phil and Daniel,

I've been trying to work it out, Phil, but it looks like a no-go for us to meet you and Mr. Bigham. Just can't get away this weekend. Much to my chagrin.

Daniel, I thought you had mis-typed that! And I agree - would be VERY interesting to go through those old books. If I remember correctly, not only Beesley stayed there but also Ismay and Thomas Andrews and his crew.

Best regards all around,