Why didn't other French passengers speak to the Navratil boys on Carpathia?

I've always read countless accounts about how no one knew who the Navratil boys were once they were rescued aboard the Carpathia because they spoke French. But there were a few French passengers who survived--was there any attempt made to even try to have fellow French speakers communicate with the boys to try and find out where they were from or something at least.

Bertha Lehmann certainly knew them and spoke French. Then the Mallet and Laroche mothers who not only spoke French, but both had toddlers who spoke toddler French. I'm sure both ladies were grieving their husbands but surely they could've interceded on behalf of two little orphans.
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From my understanding their father was quite protective of the boys (understandably so, he had kidnapped them from their mother and boarded the Titanic under an assumed name to avoid detection) and only let one other passenger take care of them while he played cards briefly.