William Harder

The correct name of "William" Harder was in fact "Bill". Bill is not his nickname-- that is what is on his birth certificate.  He was married to Mary Elizabeth Gillard of Southampton and fathered nine children. Served in the Army in WW I (although he was not sent out of the country). As best we can tell worked the whole of his life as a general laborer around Southampton. His trip on the Titanic was his first and last seagoing experience. He only signed on to the Titanic because he could find no other work in the city.  He did not talk about his Titanic experience and most of his family knew nothing about it during his lifetime.An interesting fact about seamen on the Titanic was that their pay stopped the moment the ship sank. It did not matter that you were sitting in a lifeboat rowing under the command of a ship's offier. The ship was gone and so your employment was over!!One of Bill's children was a Gladys Rose Harder. She married a George Hayter and their daughter Carl Ann Hayter (a grand-daughter of Bill) emigrated to the USA in 1965 and now resides in Atlanta GA.
Bill or William was my great granduncle, he was married to Mary Elizabeth Gillard and they had nine children William, Alfred James, Ernest James, Lillian Emily, Mabel Alice, Daisey Florence, Edith Maisey, Gladys Rose, and Walter John. The Harder's were renown for having large families, as my beloved mother Alice (married to Frederick Tickner) was one of Sixteen her parents were Harry Harder and Maria Thorn and I spent many a happy school holidays in Southampton and have such wonderful memories spent with my lovely relatives.
I wish I could find information about my Father Robert Frederick HARDER also born in Southampton in 1906? He always said that his Father was a merchant seaman who worked the ships from Southampton?
Hi Edward and Bob.I have just come across this discussion.Edward is right. William (Bill) Harder was my Great Grand-dad on my fathers side of the Family. Mabel Alice (Bill's daughter) was my Grandmother and Gladys was my great Aunt. I have a photograph that was taken of me and Gladys about 1982. Mabel Alice married my Grand-dad James Crowley and they lived in lower Bemerton Salisbury. They had 5 children, my late father being the eldest.
William was grandfather to my mother
Maiden name Joy Harder who still lives in woolston Southampton
William was the father of my Grandad George who was my mums dad