Question Workmen at Titanic’s funnels in Southampton?

Mark VII

Never noticed this before but it looks like Titanic’s funnel 1 and 2 get some sort of treatment while docked in Southampton.


It reminded me of this photo (not Titanic):


Optical illusion or were Titanic’s funnels indeed cleaned, painted or something else in Southampton? And if so, do you happen to know on what date?
The photo of the ship is not in the best quality however, I found a similar photo to this, though it is Olympic

In this photo the workers are indeed painting the first two funnels so we can assume it was the same for Titanic.
As for the date, it seems the ship is mostly fitted out, so we can also assume that it was sometime around January - March 1912.
That very photo can be found in Mark Chirnside book: OLYMPIC TITANIC BRITANNIC. Mention as Olympic alongside New York pier. No date given but with only eight lifeboats been shown must between 1911/12. Surprising I can't see a collapsible lifeboat next to the funnel.