Wreck of the Titan and Rostron autograph for sale

I have numerous SIGNED copies of.....drumroll please....."Wreck of the Titan" by Morgan Robertson (also known as "Futility"). These are the 1912 versions. (I would give anyone $1000 for an 1898 copy.) I also have a complete matching set of Robertsons books for sale. A signed copy of "Titan" is going for $250 and the full set of Robertson's works is going for $500. The full set does NOT have a signed "Titan" copy but it DOES have a copy of "Titan" with the set. It's just not signed.

For those who are interested, I have at least two copies of MANY of Morgan Robertsons books and several of them are first editions, not reprints.

I am going on vacation tomorrow and won't be back for a week or so, so if you send me a note and I don't reply for a bit, don't get upset.

In about two weeks (maybe three) I will be selling on eBay a nicely framed picture of Captain Rostron framed alongside an original postcard of the Carpathia mailed from the Carpathia exactly 5 months after the Titanic sank. As you may know, Capt. Rostron was on the Carpathia until early 1913. The card was mailed and reads in part "The captain is a fine man and deserves all the praise he has received". Also framed with the photo is an actual ticket stub from the Carpathia from early 1913 and, last but not least, an actual autograph of Sir Arthur Rostron himself found in the "autograph section" on the back of a menu from the Berengaria, Capt. Rostrons last ship before retirement. The opening bid will probably be around $800. I have personally been collecting Titanic related stuff for ten years and have only seen Rostron autographs two times and I bought them both. (Frankly I'm shocked that there are not tons of Rostron autographs out there for sale since he was quite a celebrity and gave autographs quite often. In fact, it was in part due to the demand for Captain Rostrons autograph that the Cunard Line started to put an official "Autograph Section" on the backside of most of their take home menus.

All signatures I sell are authentic and have a lifetime guarantee. I have a very good rating on eBay with zero negative feedback and a huge majority of the items I have sold have been Titanic related antique books, many with autographs.

Mike Norton [email protected]