Writing a song on Maggie MadiganTitanic survivor

Where are you Maggie?

I've been emailed this question just recently.

You were just young then after drifing like a cork

When you arrived in the waiting city of nervous New York.

If anyone knows where you are buried today

Please email me your response right away.

I await anyone's thoughts so please be calm

And email me at [email protected] om

I've stories to share with you about the Madigan name

Even those who use two Ds although in vain!

For Maggie spelled her last name right

But let's not quarrel or choose to fight

She was a Madigan and from our Irish clan

I'll keep you informed -I'm your man!

As to where I live it's not far from where the Titanic was damned

And that is the island of John Cabot's New Found Land!

So write me and let's talk of Maggie then age 19

Who disappeared in history and was never seen.
Mike, I've seen this posted on several threads. Nice peice of work. If you'll indulge me a bit, allow me to offer a suggestion that you post something like this on only one thread as the members have access to them all. Multiple postings of the same material only eat up precious bandwidth.

Michael H. Standart