Hey Everyone,
I have had this weird thing going on for a while about the cherub in the First Class Grand Staircase. If you have ever seen the recovered cherub and looked at the picture of the Grand Staircase they seem to be holding the lamp on different sides. I am wondering since the cherub is probably from the Aft Staircase....were the two statues opposite in a way? There wasn't cherubs at every landing am I right (excluding the Saloon landing candelabra). I'm pretty sure there was only two cherubs but you never know, pleas inform me on this too...just to make sure! Well please help me out on this you guys! I know your good at this type of stuff! Here is the link to the page, When you get to the page it lists First Class public rooms...go down to the Grand Staircase and click on the link for more info and it will show the picture. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=www.rmstitanic.co.uk/1st_grand_staircase.GIF&imgrefurl=http://www.rmstitanic.co.uk/titanic_titanic_-_first_clas s_interior.shtml&h=198&w=250&prev=/images%3Fq%3DGrand%2BStaircase%26start%3D60%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN Long link eh? Well thank you so very much and have a very nice day!

- The Confused Sahand
The recovered cherub is not from the Grand Staircase. The exhibited cherub that was recovered was from the AFT Grand Staircase. In several instances, the cherub has been misidentified. Subtle differences include the one you mention, the lamp in the opposite hand, plus note the size in the picture of the Grand Staircase and compare it to the relative size of the recovered cherub. The recovered cherub is smaller.
Thanks Bill,
So then the Aft Staircases Cherub was smaller?? The staircase wasnt smaller was it? (not in amount of decks it went down) Thanks!

-The not so Confused Sahand

If you have a look at Olympic photo of both aft and fore staircases, taken about the same time, you will see that the cherubs are facing in opposite directions. On the fore staircase it is facing one way, and on the aft the other. Photos of the recovered cherub always confuse me, because in books they tend to get flipped. However, I think the recovered cherub faces the same way as on Olympic's aft staircase.

Its possible the recovered cherub was simply from another area of the ships decor- perhaps a light fixture in a public room or private suite? The cherub motif occours throughout the ship, so i'm skeptical the recovered cherub was part of the cargo- and it certainly was not from the base of any of the staircases.

Tarn Stephanos
So its not from the Staircases???!!! Ok I think I might trust you on that. I just saw your profile and you are the coolest! You have all this Titanic experience and everything! I hope to be like you someday! Im going to the Titanic Artifact Exhibit this month and I cant wait!!! I hope I get to touch something and I would be happy for the rest of my life! I bet I would CRY! Wow ok I am babbling on and getting of the subject. I think the cherub that was too chubby from the Grand Staircase. But I dont know. So I guess its not from the Grand Staircase???

Thanks, Sahand

Tarn, did you get my e-mails? I sent you several in the past few days.

I have been studying Titanic's (and Olympic's) interiors for some time, and I can assure that that cherub was used nowhere else but the staircase. The recovered cherub had to have come from the aft staircase; no other decor or room on the ship (other than the staircase) had one of these things.

Ooooo you guys are confusing me! lol.
Thanks I dont think they had any of those anywhere else either, and its hands are in the shape of holding something (the lamp)

thanks, Sahand
Hello All:

To clear up the location of the cherub that was recovered by RMS Titanic Inc., I will post the exact location of it within the Titanic and a reference source were it is shown illustrated in place.

The Cherub that was recovered comes from the Aft Grand Staircase on B-deck and was located on the staircase foyer in the Restaurant Reception room.

As the Cafe' parisien was added on the Titanic and not the Olympic at the time of her sailing, in my opinion and that of other this Cherub was added to the Titanic and was never originally on the Olympic.

To quote for the original source:

"The reception room adjoining the first-class dining saloon having proved such a popular feature on the "Olympic", in the case of the "Titanic" a reception room has also been provided in connection with the restaurant, consisting of a large and spacious lounge decorated in the Georgian style. Here friends and parties will meet prior to taking their seats in the Restaurant. The elegant settees and easy chairs are upholstered in silk of carmine colour, with embroideries applied for tasteful design. The breadth of treatment and the carefully proportioned panels on the walls, with richly carved cornice and surrounding mouldings, form an impressive "ensemble", which is distinctly pleasing to the eye. There is accommodation for a band in this room."

The Shipbuilder - White Star Liners "Olympic" and "Titanic" Vol. VI Midsummer, 1911 Special Number

For those of you that that the Patrick Stephens Re-print C. 1988 ed. please refer to pages 132-134. Figure 4. of the Restaurant Reception room will show this cherub in its original location.

As this is also the area in which the breakup happened, this is why RMS Titanic, Inc., located this item in the debries field.
I think it was definatly part of the decor, and not somthing from cargo as some skeptics have suggested..
...People seem to assume the cherubs on Titanic must have been identical to those on Olympic- but since Titanic's grand staircases were never photographed, we'll never know for sure.

I suspect at the bottom of the staircase shaft one will find several cherubs and the brass candelabrum........

Tarn Stephanos
Sorry to bring it up again but in Titanic-Legacy Of The Worlds Greatest Liner, on page 28-29 it shows the grand staircases cherubs in the staircases and the recovered one. These pictures in this book are very nice and are good quality so its easy to see. The recovered cherub has wavy hair while the ones in the picture have curly hair. Im not sure if they were Olympics but you can look for yourself! Unsolved Mystery of the CHERUB! Thanks all!

The cherub has to be from the Aft Staircase (ASC) because it appears to be bronze (I could be wrong thought, never seen cherub up close) ast the smaller one in the ASC was.

Is it true that the splitting of the ship tore this room into to shreads along with the smoking room (seen breaking in half in Titanic 1997) and the lounge? Because the ASC and the smoking room are quit far away from each other. If anyone could clear this up for me it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone!
It's so interesting with Titanic's GS. No actual photos exist of it (as we know of) and people are saying e.g. that there might not even have been a clock there. There are speculations also about the Cherub/Cherubs, and now I have yet another question about that. In James Cameron's movie you can clearly see that there is a cherub on every landing down to D-deck, with The "Cal-chasing-Jack-and-Rose-with-a-pistol" scene as a reference. Also in Ken Marshall's book "inside The Titanic" There is a fold-out page with one of his cut trough paintings of the ship, where you can also see this. Since Ken Marshall worked a bit like reference for the art department in the movie, I suppose he had something to do with it. Now I wonder, are there speculations that there might have been a Cherub on every landing? Or where did Mr. Marshall get his ideas about this? I also thought, since some of you are disagreeing about the recovered Cherub being from the Aft GS, isn't it possible that the cherub came from one of the lower landings in the forward GS, supporting the theory? And then explaining the smaller size of the cherub by saying that it was to fit it in better between the e.g. B-Deck roof and floor, and therefore also making it more proportional? Just a theory...;)