Youngest and oldest Titanic survivors

Hallo, Franck. Unless you count the unborn, Millvina was the youngest survivor. From a quick look at the stats the oldest, I think, were Mary Compton and Catherine Crosby, both 64 and travelling 1st Class. The oldest person on board was probably 3rd Class passenger Johan Svensson, who was 74 and did not survive.

Of the crew, the oldest on board were the Captain and Dr O'Laughlin, both 62, and the youngest was bellboy Albert Watson, who was 14. The oldest surviving crew member was Chief Bathroom Steward Samuel Rule, who was 58.

[Moderator's note: This subtopic, which was originally placed in "General Titanica" has been moved here, with other subtopics addressing the same general question. MAB]
Dear bob,

Thanks once again for your very interesting answer. You're really nice and as "reliable" as the Olympic.

It could be great to find extra information dealing with this Johan Svensson and Albert Watson.
Is everything we know about them on E.T ?
Do you know something else about them ?

Many thanks,

Best regards,

Not just reliable, but 'old reliable', I'm sorry to say! :)

I don't know much about the bellboys as individuals, but Brian Ticehurst might have information about Watson's family. Stewardess Mary Sloan mentioned a brief conversation on the boat deck with a bellboy, little more than a child, who showed concern that she should board a lifeboat. That could well have been young Watson.

The biography section here on ET has a good account of Johan Svensson and the sad circumstances in which he was travelling.
There is information on Mr. Johan Svensson and his son, Mr. Johan Ekstrom on Craig Stringer's Titanic People CD. If you do no have access to this CD, let me know. Henry Loscher
Franck - All I have on young Watson is:

Watson, W. A. Lived at 23 Oakley Road, Shirley, Southampton. Occupation - Bell Boy. 14 years old. (Born in Liverpool).
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913).
Case number 276. Watson, Annie, mother. Class G dependent.
Dear Bob, Brian and Henry,

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Sorry Bob, I know the Olympic was said to be the "Old Reliable", but I'm not allowed to say you're old ! Like I'm only aged 20, I would feel ill at ease and uncomfortable.

I have never heard before the discussion between Mary Sloan and the young bellboy who seemed to be Albert Watson. That's why I thank you for the information.

Henry, I would have pleasure in buying the Craig Stringer's Titanic People CD, as I don't have this one yet. It's likely to be a very good source. Please, let me know the means of buying this CD.

I thank you all once again,

Very best regards,

Good morning everybody,

I'd like to know something else concerning the youngest children.

Thanks to a great French web site focusing on Titanic, I know Maria Salvata de Carlo and Betty Phillips were unborn children "aboard" the Titanic. Were they the only unborn children ?

Best regards,

Franck, Craig's CD Titanic People is a 'must-have', and excellent value. You can order it (and download sample biographies) here:

I was joking about the 'old'! I have no problem with my age, especially since I feel relatively young now that Brian and Henry are here!

There are several threads which discuss the subject of which passengers were (or might have been) pregnant. These for instance:

I bought the CD at the British Titanic Society's convention in 2003. I did a Google search and there is a reference to Titanic People, but it is only a sample of what is on the CD. I suggest you get in touch with BTS to see if they can help you.

Good afternoon everybody !

First of all, I'd like to thank both Henry and bob, who sent me links concerning the Craig's CD which looks great. I'm going to buy this one !!!

Thank you Bob for the links dealing with pregnant women aboard the Titanic. You're great. I think you're more "reliable" than "old" !!! Of course I know you were joking...

Maria Salvata de Carlo (born on November, 14th, 1912) and Betty Philips (January, 13th, 1912) are likely to be survivors of lifeboat #11. They are still alive, and live in Italy and in London nowadays.

I thank you all,

Best regards,
