Carpathia, Brod heroj u sjeni Titanica

Carpathia, Hero ship in the shadow of Titanic

Carpathia je deset godina mirno plovila na relaciji Rijeka – New York, dok te noći, 15. travnja 1912., nije primila SOS s Titanica. Tada je punom parom uplovila u povijest.

Te kobne noći je na njenim palubama bilo čak 84 hrvatskih članova posade,(većinom iz Labina, Rijeke i Hrvatskog primorja) koji su,u dramatičnoj utrci s vremenom, svoju sigurnost stavili u drugi plan i učinili ono što čovjeka čini čovjekom -pomogli drugome u nevolji.

O katastrofi Titanica objavljeno je mnogo knjiga i nekako se na kraju usput spomene Carpathia kao brod koji mu je priskočio u pomoć, uvijek nekako u sjeni.

Ovom knjigom autor, nakon višegodišnjeg istraživanja ispravlja tu povijesnu nepravdu i u kronološkom prikazu dramatičnih događanja na Carpathiji, stavlja čitatelja u poziciju putnika i članova posade Carpathie koji punom brzinom jure noćnim Atlantikom ususret ledenim santama itekako svjesni da su te iste sante potopile nepotopivi Titanic.

Užarivši svoje kotlove Carpathia je uspjela postići nemoguće – juriti brzinom većom od deklarirane i tim herojskim činom spasiti 712 promrzlih duša kojima je prijetila sigurna smrt u ledenom Atlantiku.

Ovo je priča o brodu i ljudima, koji nisu tražili slavu niti su birali sudbinu – Sudbina je odabrala njih.


The Carpathia sailed peacefully on the Rijeka – New York route for ten years, until that night, April 15, 1912, she received an SOS from the Titanic. Then she sailed into history at full speed.

On that fateful night, there were as many as 84 Croatian crew members on her decks, (mostly from Labin, Rijeka and the Croatian coast) who, in a dramatic race against time, put their own safety on the back burner and did what makes a man a man – help others in troubles.

Many books have been published about the Titanic disaster and somehow the Carpathia is mentioned along the way as the ship that came to its aid, always somehow in the shadows.

With this book, the author, after many years of research, corrects this historical injustice and in a chronological presentation of the dramatic events on the Carpathia, puts the reader in the position of the passengers and crew members of the Carpathia who race at full speed across the night Atlantic towards icebergs, well aware that those same icebergs sank the unsinkable Titanic.

By heating up her boilers, Carpathia managed to achieve the impossible – to speed faster than declared and with that heroic act to save 712 frozen souls who were threatened with certain death in the icy Atlantic.

This is a story about a ship and people, who did not seek fame or choose fate – Fate chose them.

Additional information


Publisher ‏

Uliks, Rijeka

Publication date ‏

Hardcover ‏

272 pages

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ISBN-13 ‏



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