Maiden of the Titanic

The Italian lifeguard, Roberto, rescues a comatose girl from the bone-chilling waters of the North Atlantic. Who is she? Pauper or heiress?

A Swedish maid or her employer’s daughter?

The author deals fictitiously with the aftermath of the Titanic tragedy, and how it affected the lives of two survivors.

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About the Author

Lilly Setterdahl came to the Quad Cities, Illinois in 1971 with her husband and three sons. Previously, she lived in Sweden and the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. She has authored or co-authored eleven non-fiction books., numerous research articles, one serialized historical novel, as well as children’s stories. She is currently working on a creative nonfiction book, “Growing up in Sweden.”

Additional information


Lilly Setterdahl

Publisher ‏

Midwest Writing Center; First edition (October 6, 2007)

Publication date ‏

Language ‏

ISBN-10 ‏


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Print length ‏

282 pages

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