The Captain’s Tiger


A Story of the Friendship Between Captain Edward J. Smith R.D., R.N.R. & His Steward, James Arthur Paintin

The Captain’s Tiger is the story of the Professional Relationship, and the Friendship that existed between Captain Edward John Smith, RMS Titanic, and his Personal Steward, James Arthur Paintin, the Captain’s Tiger.

The book examines the final five days of RMS Titanic.


About the Author

William Oakes is a member of many Titanic historic societies and Titanic online chat groups and pages. He also owns 2 online Titanic stores that specialize in Titanic Memorabilia.

Additional information

Publisher ‏ (7 Dec. 2021)

Language ‏

Paperback ‏

68 pages

ISBN-10 ‏


ISBN-13 ‏


Dimensions ‏

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Avatar of William Oakes
William Oakes

Active Member

546 messages 395 likes

Greetings Everyone,

I am writing a book.... I can already hear the moans of anquish of "Oh God not another Titanic book"...
Actually, this book is about James Arthur Paintin, the Captain's Tiger.
Very little has been written about the man.
I have read his Bio here on ET and it doesn't shed much light on the man.
I am wondering if anyone can tell me how I might reach his descendents in the UK, and/or if anyone is a descendent on ET perhaps we could talk?
Also, if anyone has any other sources about the man that you think might be helpful, I would be much obliged.
Thanking you in advance.

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Avatar of Arun Vajpey
Arun Vajpey

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6,241 messages 3,777 likes

There is already a thread about Paintin that you also have contributed.

As far as I am aware, almost no one commented about him, which is surprising. Of the several Titanic books that I have, he is only mentioned in Dusk To Dawn by Paul Quinn. It is an excerpt from Steward Dent-Ray's testimony at the American Inquiry. I mentioned it in the other thread.

Ray commented that Paintin was "last seen" standing with Captain Smith on the bridge but was not asked when or by whom. The wording in Ray's testimony suggests that if true, it must have been towards the end and seen by another survivor who told Ray about it later. Ray himself was saved on Lifeboat #13 launched at 01:40 am.

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Avatar of William Oakes
William Oakes

Active Member

546 messages 395 likes
Avatar of Arun Vajpey
Arun Vajpey

Senior Member

6,241 messages 3,777 likes

James Arthur Paintin had several siblings and was also survived by his wife Alice. Their names are all listed here in his ET bio and you might be able to track down contemporary descendants from genealogy sites. A few might have information useful to your book.

Also, in yet another thread about Paintin, a couple of members claim that he was a relative. You could try to PM them.

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Avatar of William Oakes
William Oakes

Active Member

546 messages 395 likes

Thank You kind Sir!

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Avatar of Arun Vajpey
Arun Vajpey

Senior Member

6,241 messages 3,777 likes

You are most welcome, Sir.

Mind you, I have discovered that research through descendants can be slow and often turn you into blind alleys, but IMO that in itself makes the search rather interesting and when you finally discover something that is useful to your book, the pleasure is all the greater. I wish you the best of luck.

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New Member

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I would like to know as much as I can about james auther Paintin I'm a cousin my names James Paintin

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Avatar of William Oakes
William Oakes

Active Member

546 messages 395 likes

James Paintin,
What an unexpected suprise and a pleasure to make your aquaintance. I have hungered for knowledge on your ancestor too. Sadly there is so very little written about him, while he played such a vital role on the ship as Captain Smith's steward. I gathered as much information about Arthur as I could and I wrote a book entitled The Captain's Tiger: The Last Five Days of The RMS Titanic.
It is fictional history. That is, it is a fictional dialog between the Captain and Arthur Paintin, on the Maiden Voyage up to the tragic sinking.
The book contains all of the factual evidence that I could find to support the fictional story.
I believe in my heart that Arthur deserves to be remembered.
Here is a link for the book to anyone who may be interested:

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