The Irish Aboard “Titanic”

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Merlin Publishing (15 May 2000)

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Paperback ‏

256 pages

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Avatar of Phillip Gowan
Phillip Gowan

Senior Member

1,127 messages 12 likes

I finally have details (for anyone in the United States) as to how to order copies of the just released book "THE IRISH ABOARD THE TITANIC" by Senan Molony--and avoid the international shipping costs from Ireland. If you want details contact me privately at:

[email protected]

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Graeme Murphy


2 messages 0 likes

Hi Phillip

I live in Ireland and I have been looking forward to Senan's book since I heard of its release a few months back. Problem is, today is meant to be the publication date (as far as I know) and no book stores here seem to have heard of it or appear to be getting it in stock! Do you have any details of an ISBN number?


Graeme Murphy

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Avatar of Phillip Gowan
Phillip Gowan

Senior Member

1,127 messages 12 likes

Hi Graeme,
General availability in Irish bookstores is supposed to be this coming Friday, May 19th. Contact me privately and I'll give you more details.

[email protected]


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Senan Molony

Senior Member

1,695 messages 21 likes

Graeme, hello:

The book will be widely available from this weekend, beginning May 19 next.

The ISBN is 0-86327-805-1.

Only advance copies have hitherto been available.

It will set you back a penny off 17 of our useless, Euro-linked lousy Punts. Should you choose to buy of course.

I think you'll get a lot of reading (and 95 pix) if you do opt to part with that amount.



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Graeme Murphy


2 messages 0 likes

Dear Senan

Of course I will be buying your book! I've waited too long now not to buy it! I take the advance copies you mentioned are for collaborators, etc?

Well, my best luck to you; I am sure I won't be disappointed on Friday.



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Eamonn Bradley


1 messages 0 likes

Hello Senan

Is the Irish book available up in Belfast from May 19?


Eamonn Bradley

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Neil Beggs


1 messages 0 likes

Hi all.

It seems that it is all Irish people seeming to be on the message board here at the minute in anticipation of the Irish book's release.

I am no exception to everybody else here who can't wait to get a copy of the book but, at the moment, it seems I won't be! I don't know if anybody else has encountered the problems I have in trying to obtain a copy. I have been to countless stores around Co Antrim and Co Down enquiring about the book. None of them have heard of the book or have any forthcoming publications of that description on their files. I just keep getting the same reply -- 'come back next month'.

What's the craic? Should I go straight to the top and order a copy from Wolfhound directly?

Good luck, Senan

Neil Beggs, County Down

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Elaine Barnes


87 messages 0 likes

Hi Senan!
When you said that the book would be "widely available" on the 19th of May, does that also mean here in the U.S.?

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Avatar of Phillip Gowan
Phillip Gowan

Senior Member

1,127 messages 12 likes

The book will only be available in Ireland. Contact me privately and I'll give you info on getting a copy in the US without having to pay international postage.

[email protected]

Phillip Gowan

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Elaine Barnes


87 messages 0 likes

Hi, Philip!

Thanks for the info. I'll be getting that right out to you.


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Senan Molony

Senior Member

1,695 messages 21 likes

It ain't available in the US, but anyone in the world can order by emailing:

[email protected]

and supplying things like credit card number, preferably valid and not that of some Ecuadorean diplomat, your name (for the FBI to arrest you in connection with diplomatic complaint), your address, your attorney's address etc...

They will charge a fluid price based on exchange rate on the day. Expect to pay $25 plus whatever the postage will be - and the book weighs three-quarters of a kilo, so be warned.

As for availability, keep the faith. It will get out to a store near you, I promise. Otherwise email wolfhound or ring them on 353-1-8740354.

First, and thus far only, editorial comment on "The Irish Aboard Titanic":

First editorial comment on the book was published today -

"The wealth of detail and sheer scope of research is staggering."

May 21, 2000

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