Titanic Collections Volume 1: Fragments of History: The Ship

(1 customer review)


Titanic Collections: Fragments of History is a two-part series showcasing rare and important artefacts relating to the history of RMS Titanic. Many collectors prefer to hide their treasures away, but the items presented in these beautiful books have been gathered by six well-known and respected researchers, authors, historians and collectors who want to share their acquisitions with the world.


‘A wonderful gallery of period items related to the Titanic and Olympic, presented and shared by some of the top researchers and collectors in the field. Many of these items are quite rare or unique, and are not often seen by the general public.’ – Bill Wormstedt, co-author of Recreating the Titanic

The basic facts of the Titanic’s story are well known: in April 1912 the largest ship in the world, described as ‘practically unsinkable’, set off on her maiden trip to New York. She would never make it there. Instead she would strike an iceberg just days into her journey and sink to the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean, taking nearly 1,500 people with her. She would remain there undisturbed for seventy-three years.

Titanic Collections: Fragments of History is a two-part series showcasing rare and important artefacts relating to the history of RMS Titanic. Many collectors prefer to hide their treasures away, but the items presented in these beautiful books have been gathered by six well-known and respected researchers, authors, historians and collectors who want to share their acquisitions with the world.

The Ship focuses on artefacts relating to the Titanic herself, ranging from carpet squares and floor tiles to crockery and bath tickets. Each beautifully photographed item brings the story of the Titanic to life, and all come together as a museum for your bookshelf.


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Publisher ‏

The History Press

Publication date ‏

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Hardcover ‏

176 pages

ISBN-10 ‏


ISBN-13 ‏


1 review for Titanic Collections Volume 1: Fragments of History: The Ship

  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Titanic attracts hoarders! Some limit their habit to collecting stories, but many are also attracted to possessing physical objects associated in some way to the story of the Titanic.

    Titanic Collections, Fragments of History, The Ship, is the first volume in a two-part set, presenting some of the items in the collections of six well-known Titanic historians.

    The first impression is of a book that has been both beautifully created and intelligently curated.

    As the title suggests, this first part focuses mainly on the ship herself.  There is an introduction to the Titanic story, but perhaps it is expected that most readers will be familiar with the basic story and so this is relatively succinct, which is good because we want to get to the main feature: countless beautifully photographed artefacts, each selected to explain or add colour to one particular facet of the Titanic story.

    One thing that strikes you about this book is its production value.  Pictures do not bleed off the edge or fold into the spine. Each image is given the space to be seen. Whether it be a White Star Line nurse’s leather belt, a steward’s cap, a lantern slide, or one of the numerous gorgeous views of the Titanic herself.

    Captions are short but informative, perhaps in one or two cases we might have benefitted from just a little more detail.  But this is nit-picking.  There’s no textual padding here to detract from the sumptuous visuals, and for that, we can be grateful.

    Titanic Collections, Fragments of History, The Ship, is published by The History Press, and it is available now.   Buy it!

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Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind

7,024 messages 693 likes

Titanic Collections Volume 1: Fragments of History: The Ship
Titanic Collections Volume 2: Fragments of History: The People
Titanic Collections: Fragments of History is a two-part series showcasing rare and important artefacts relating to the history of RMS Titanic. Many collectors prefer to hide their treasures away, but the items presented in these beautiful books have been gathered by six well-known and respected researchers, authors, historians and collectors who want to share their acquisitions with the world.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

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Avatar of True_Heart_Titanic

Active Member

29 messages 40 likes

I had the chance to flip through it at the recent exhibition in Melbourne, Australia. I enjoyed seeing quite a few items I had not seen before. I would kill for one of those matron's WSL belt buckles- that was one item I'd never seen before.

For seasoned 'Titanic people', a lot of it is probably nothing new, but I do appreciate those who contributed items and information sharing them with the wider community, instead of keeping these objects locked away in private collections, never to be seen again. I'd like to get this book, when funds allow.

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Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind

7,024 messages 693 likes

Titanic Collections Volume 1: Fragments of History: The Ship
Titanic Collections Volume 2: Fragments of History: The People
Titanic Collections: Fragments of History is a two-part series showcasing rare and important artefacts relating to the history of RMS Titanic. Many collectors prefer to hide their treasures away, but the items presented in these beautiful books have been gathered by six well-known and respected researchers, authors, historians and collectors who want to share their acquisitions with the world.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

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Avatar of True_Heart_Titanic

Active Member

29 messages 40 likes

I had the chance to flip through it at the recent exhibition in Melbourne, Australia. I enjoyed seeing quite a few items I had not seen before. I would kill for one of those matron's WSL belt buckles- that was one item I'd never seen before.

For seasoned 'Titanic people', a lot of it is probably nothing new, but I do appreciate those who contributed items and information sharing them with the wider community, instead of keeping these objects locked away in private collections, never to be seen again. I'd like to get this book, when funds allow.

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