Titanic: Waiting for Orders, the Story of Alexander James Littlejohn


Alexander James Littlejohn was a saloon steward on the Titanic and reputedly served eminent journalist and social campaigner W.T. Stead.  Littlejohn survived the Titanic but the shock of the experience caused his hair to turn white within six months of the disaster.

This book, by his grandson, tells his story.  Some editions include a facsimile of his certificate of continuous discharge bearing the Titanic name stamp.

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Crescent Co.

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64 pages

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Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind

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Alexander James Littlejohn was a saloon steward on the Titanic who reputedly served eminent journalist and social campaigner W.T. Stead. Littlejohn survived the Titanic but the shock of the experience caused his hair to turn white within six months of the disaster.

This book, by his grandson, tells his story. Some editions include a facsimile of his certificate of continuous discharge bearing the Titanic name stamp.

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