Encyclopedia Titanica


The Logan Republican, Logan, Utah

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Salt Lake City, May 13---Mrs. Lee Hayter Chamberlain, 408 Fourth East
street, mother of A. Hayter, one of the victims of the Titanic disaster, thi
smorning [sic] received a letter from the White Star Line company announcing
that an overcoat bearing his name had been recovered, but that it was in
such condition it would be destroyed at Halifax. The letter also announced
that the following effects, believed to belong to Mr. Hayter, had been
recovered: Gold watch and chain, plain gold seal ring, silver match box
engraved "A. H." gold pencil case, gold stud, keys, knife, pipe and papers
marked "A. Hayter."

Mrs. Chamberlain said this morning that there is no longer any question in
her mind but that her son was one of the victims of the disaster and she
wlll make an effort to have the effects which were recovered forwarded to
her here.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) MOTHER OF VICTIM WILL GET EFFECTS (The Logan Republican, Logan, Utah, Thursday 16th May 1912, ref: #19025, published 2 July 2012, generated 3rd July 2024 08:25:49 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/-19025.html