Encyclopedia Titanica

Agnes and Beatrice Sandström in 1961

Dagens Nyheter

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Agnes and Beatrice Sandström
Agnes and Beatrice Sandström photographed for a newspaper article in 1961

Mor och döttrar I livet från Titanic
Fru Agnes Sandström hälsar på sin dotter Beatrice I henne mjölkaffär på Olovsgatan I Motala. Det var nära femtio år sedan de var med om katastrofen med Titanic på Atlanten

Mother And Daughters In Life From Titanic
Mrs Agnes Sandström greets her daughter Beatrice I at her dairy shop on Olovsgatan in Motala. It was almost fifty years since they were involved in the Titanic disaster in the Atlantic.


Gavin Bell, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2020) Agnes and Beatrice Sandström in 1961 (Dagens Nyheter, Wednesday 24th May 1961, ref: #119, published 4 April 2020, generated 1st July 2024 08:27:53 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/agnes-and-beatrice-sandstrom-in-1961-.html