Encyclopedia Titanica


Officer on Titanic's Bridge Had Warning of the Iceberg from the Crow's Nest.

New York Times

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Officer on Titanic's Bridge Had Warning of the Iceberg from the Crow's Nest.

Three warnings that an iceberg was ahead were transmitted from the crow's nest to the officers on the bridge of the doomed ship fifteen minutes before she struck, according to Thomas Whitely [sic], a first saloon steward, who now lies in St. Vincent's Hospital with frozen and lacerated feet. Whiteley. who was whipped overboard from the ship by a rope while helping to lower a lifeboat, finally reached the Carpathia aboard one of the boats which contained, he said, both the crow's nest lookouts.

He heard a conversation between them, he asserted, in which they discussed the warnings given to the Titanic's bridge of the presence of the iceberg. Whitely did not know the name of either of the lookout men, and he said he believed they had gone back home on the Lapland.

"I heard one of them say that fifteen minutes before the Titanic struck he had reported to First Officer Murdock [sic] on the bridge that he fancied he saw an iceberg," said Whitely. "Twice after that the lookout said he warned Mr. Murdock that a berg was ahead. I can't remember their exact words, but they were very indignant that no attention was paid to their warnings. One of them said: 'No wonder that Mr. Murdock shot himself.'"

Whitely was asked if he knew whether the reports from the crow's nest to the pilot house were made by telephone or signal. "I don't know how it was on this ship." he replied. "On some ships it is done by bells, three bells meaning danger straight ahead, two bells starboard, and one bell port. All I heard the lookout say was that hehad 'reported' to Mr. Murdock. "I saw the iceberg. It was very large and to me it looked black, or rather a darky instead of white."

Whitely said that in one of the first boats lowered the only passengers aboard were a man whom he was told told was a millionaire, his wife, his child, and his two valets. The others in the boat were firemen and coal trimmers, he said, seven in number, whom the man had promised to pay well if they would man the lifeboat. They made only thirteen in all. "I do not know the man's name,"' said Whitely. " I heard it, but have forgotten it. But I saw an order for £5, which the man gave to each of the crew after they got aboard the Carpathia. It was on a piece of ordinary paper addressed to the Coutts Bank in London.

We called that boat the 'money boat.' It was lowered from the starboard side, and was one of the first off. The orders were to load the boats beginning forward on the port side, working aft, and then back on the starboard. This man paid the firemen to lower a starboard boat before the officers had given the order.


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  1. Someone (2261) Someone (2261)
    That explains it...
  2. Kareen Healey
    That explained nothing for it is not true. The warning had not been given 15 minutes before but less than 30 seconds if I am right.
  3. Arun Vajpey
    Of course it is not true. If you look at the source of the source of the ET article link above, you will see that it was Saloon Steward Thomas Whiteley, probably the most accomplished liar and teller of tales that survived the Titanic. About the only thing true about what he said was that he jumped into the water towards the end and injured his leg. Might have been a minor fracture. Look at the rest below. [LIST] [*]Whiteley is supposed to have been one of the staff who served at the Wideners' dinner party to Captain Smith in the a la carte restaurant on the evening before the disaster. This is not corroborated but might be true. That said, Whiteley claimed that Bruce Ismay and Dr O'Loughlin also attended the party and at one point they all stood-up to toast the "mighty Titanic". In fact, while Ismay
  4. Thomas Krom
    [QUOTE] Arun Vajpey said: Whiteley is supposed to have been one of the staff who served at the Wideners' dinner party to Captain Smith in the First Class Dining Saloon on the evening before the disaster. This is not corroborated but might be true. That said, Whiteley claimed that Brice Ismay and Dr O'Loughlin also attended the party and at one point they all stood-up to toast the "mighty Titanic". In fact, while Ismay and O'Loughlin were in the Dining Saloon that night, they did NOT attend the Wideners' party. The pair dined together at a separate table that had a view of part of the Wideners' table. [/QUOTE] The Widener party wasn't held in the fist class dining saloon on D-deck but in the á la carte restaurant on B-deck. Mr. Ismay and Dr. O'Loughlin (who was missing from his usual table in the first class dining saloon, he send his apologies of that to his table companions) were also in
  5. Arun Vajpey
    Of course; sorry my bad. In my hurry to talk about Whiteley I made an error. Ismay and O'Loughlin were there too that night but at a separate table. True, but if that NYT article above is to be believed, Whiteley told them that 3 separate ice warnings were sent from the Crow's Nest staff to the bridge over 15 minutes. He also said that he overheard conversation between them and they were "very indignant" that their warnings were unheeded by Murdoch. 15 minutes before the collision, it was still Fleet and Lee in the
  6. Thomas Krom
    Nevermind that, we all make mistakes which makes us human. Such as me who spelled it as "fist" instead of "first" in that statement.
  7. Arun Vajpey
    The other thing is that at Titanic's speed, the iceberg would have been about 6 miles from the bow 15 minutes before collision. While that would have been within Fleet and Lee's horizon distance from their vantage point, it would have had to be a veritable mountain of ice for either of them to have been able to identify it as such. Human vision does not have anything like that kind of acuity and at 6 miles at night no one could have made out a dark mass obscuring part of the horizon.
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) ALARM FROM LOOKOUT IGNORED, SAILOR SAYS (New York Times, Sunday 21st April 1912, ref: #8778, published 12 January 2009, generated 2nd July 2024 01:23:32 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/alarm-from-lookout-ignored-sailor-says.html