Encyclopedia Titanica


Chicago Evening Post

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Hundreds of Residents of U.S. at the

French Capital Had Relatives Aboard the Titanic

Paris, April 16---The American colony in Paris was plunged into profound grief this morning by the definite news of the stupendous loss of life caused by the wreck of the Titanic. Hundreds of permanent residents and of the American tourists staying at the hotels had relatives on board. They had gone to sleep last night comforted with the assurances cabled here that all had been saved, and it was only when they received their newspapers this morning that they learned the terrible toll of fatalities

The White Star office was besieged by weeping women, several of whom had sons on board. Among these was Mrs. William Dulles, who left the office in a state of collapse, supported by her friends.

There is hardly a leading hotel in Paris at which relatives of some of the passengers are not staying, and these are waiting anxiously for any scrap of definite news.

It has been clearly established that Lady Duff-Gordon, who is known in Paris as “Lucille,” the name under which she conducts her dressmaking business, sailed on board the Titanic with her husband, Sir Cosmo Edmund Duff-Gordon. They appear on the official passenger list as Mr. Morgan and wife.

Robert Bacon, United States ambassador to France, with his wife and daughter, had planned until a week ago to sail on board the Titanic, but in view of the delay in the arrival of Myron T. Herrick, his successor, Mr. Bacon, decided to postpone his departure and to leave by the French liner France on Saturday next

Among those in the second cabin who engaged their passages at the last moment at Cherbourg were Mrs. Irvan and Miss Lahman.

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Thomas E. Golembiewski


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) AMERICANS IN PARIS MOURN LOST KINSMEN (Chicago Evening Post, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #15524, published 1 February 2012, generated 3rd July 2024 12:49:38 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/americans-in-paris-mourn-lost-kinsmen.html