Encyclopedia Titanica

RMS Titanic History and Biography

Discover the true story of a tragedy

Encyclopedia Titanica tells the stories of the real people that designed, built and sailed on RMS Titanic.

Through detailed articles and biographies you will discover the truth about the greatest shipwreck in history.

About RMS Titanic

Get quick facts and helpful links in our introduction to RMS Titanic.RMS Titanic Facts


Over 1300 Titanic Passenger Biographies


Biographies of Titanic Crew Members


How many people survived the Titanic disaster?


How many people died in the Titanic disaster?

The following people were born

The following person died

Titanic Deckplans

Detailed blueprints to view and download Explore the Titanic Deckplans

Recent Stories

Bound for Oblivion

In April 1912, one of the most beautifully decorated books ever created was brought aboard the largest and most luxurious ship in the world, the Titanic, on her maiden voyage to New York. What became of the remarkable book and the man who created its sumptuous binding?

Philip Hind Read More

The Triumvirate - Review

Captain Edward J. Smith, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews and the Sinking of Titanic

Dan E. Parkes Read More

Fate Deals a Hand - Review

Revealing some of Titanic's shadier passengers in a brighter light than ever before.

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Bound for Oblivion

The Triumvirate - Review

Fate Deals a Hand - Review

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Bound for Oblivion The Triumvirate - Review Fate Deals a Hand - Review

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